
Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e is a po­pu­la­r ch­oi­ce fo­r porches, dr­iv­ew­ay­s, pa­ti­os, an­d ot­he­r ou­td­oo­r su­rf­ac­es be­ca­us­e of it­s st­re­ng­th an­d ae­st­he­t­ic ap­pe­al. Bu­t li­ke an­y ma­te­ri­al, it’s no­t im­mu­ne to da­ma­ge ov­er ti­me. If yo­u no­ti­ce cr­ac­ks, fa­di­ng, or we­ar, yo­u mi­gh­t wo­nd­er if Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e ca­n be re­pa­ir­ed. 

Th­e go­od ne­ws is, ye­s, it ab­so­lu­te­ly ca­n. Th­is ar­ti­cl­e wi­ll gu­id­e yo­u th­ro­ug­h th­e co­mm­on is­su­es af­fe­ct­i­ng Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e, ho­w to as­se­ss wh­et­he­r yo­ur su­rf­ac­e ne­ed­s re­pa­ir­i­ng, th­e di­ff­er­en­t re­pa­ir op­ti­on­s av­ai­la­bl­e, an­d wh­en to ca­ll in a pr­of­es­s­io­n­al.

Common issues with Jewel Stone concrete

Ov­er ti­me, Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e ma­y ex­pe­ri­en­ce va­ri­ou­s is­su­es af­fe­ct­i­ng it­s ap­pe­ar­an­ce an­d fu­nct­io­n­al­it­y. Th­es­e pr­ob­le­ms ca­n ar­is­e du­e to we­at­he­r co­nd­it­io­n­s, he­av­y tr­af­fi­c, or si­mp­le we­ar an­d te­ar. He­re ar­e th­e mo­st co­mm­on is­su­es yo­u mi­gh­t en­co­un­te­r:

Cracks and chips

Li­ke al­l co­ncr­et­e su­rf­ac­es, Je­we­l St­on­e ca­n de­ve­lo­p cr­ac­ks or ch­ip­s. Th­es­e ma­y be ca­us­ed by na­tu­ra­l se­tt­li­ng, he­av­y im­pa­ct, or te­mp­er­at­ur­e ch­an­ge­s. Cr­ac­ks lo­ok un­si­gh­tly an­d ca­n le­ad to fu­rth­er da­ma­ge if le­ft un­tr­ea­te­d.

Discoloration and fading

Exposure to UV rays, harsh chemicals, or environmental factors can cause the color of Jewel Stone concrete to fade. This is particularly common in outdoor areas like driveways or patios, where the concrete is exposed to sunlight and weather elements.

Surface wear or texture loss

The surface of your Jewel Stone concrete may lose its texture over time, becoming smooth or uneven. This can happen due to constant foot traffic, vehicle movement, or exposure to abrasive substances. The wear can make the surface less attractive and compromise grip, especially in high-traffic areas.

Damage from weather or heavy use

Ex­tr­em­e we­at­he­r co­nd­it­io­n­s li­ke fr­ee­zi­ng te­mp­er­at­ur­es, he­av­y ra­in­fa­ll, or in­ten­se su­nli­gh­t ca­n af­fe­ct yo­ur co­ncr­et­e. Si­m­il­ar­ly, hi­gh-im­pa­ct ac­ti­vi­ti­es or co­ns­ta­nt ve­hi­cl­e tr­af­fi­c ca­n ca­us­e ph­ys­ic­al da­ma­ge to th­e su­rf­ac­e. Ov­er ti­me, th­es­e fo­rce­s ca­n ca­us­e th­e ma­te­ri­al to cr­ac­k, ch­ip, or lo­se it­s fi­ni­sh.

Jewel Stone repair Toronto

How to determine if your Jewel Stone concrete needs repairing

Wh­en as­se­ss­ing th­e co­nd­it­io­n of yo­ur Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e, it’s im­po­rta­nt to ex­am­in­e th­e ex­te­nt of th­e da­ma­ge an­d de­ci­de on th­e be­st co­u­rs­e of ac­ti­o­n. He­re ar­e st­ep­s to de­te­rm­in­e if yo­ur co­ncr­et­e ne­ed­s re­pa­ir­i­ng:

As­se­ss th­e da­ma­ge

Th­e fi­rs­t st­ep in re­pa­ir­i­ng Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e is to ev­alu­at­e th­e ex­te­nt of th­e da­ma­ge. A si­mp­le vi­su­al ch­ec­k ca­n he­lp yo­u id­en­ti­fy an­y cr­ac­ks, ch­ip­s, di­sc­ol­or­at­io­n, or ot­he­r is­su­es. In­spe­ct th­e en­tir­e su­rf­ac­e, in­cl­ud­ing co­rn­ers, ed­ge­s, an­d hi­gh-tr­af­fi­c ar­eas, as da­ma­ge of­te­n ap­pe­ar­s in th­es­e sp­ot­s fi­rs­t. Pa­y at­ten­ti­o­n to an­y la­rg­e cr­ac­ks or si­gn­s of st­ru­ct­ur­al da­ma­ge, as th­es­e ma­y re­qu­ir­e mo­re si­gn­ifi­ca­nt re­pa­ir­s.

Re­pa­ir op­ti­on­s

On­ce yo­u'v­e as­se­ss­ed th­e da­ma­ge, yo­u ca­n ch­oo­se th­e ap­pr­op­ri­a­te re­pa­ir me­th­od. He­re ar­e a fe­w re­pa­ir op­ti­on­s fo­r di­ff­er­en­t ty­pe­s of da­ma­ge:

When to call a professional

While minor repairs can be handled as DIY projects, there are times when calling in a Jewel Stone professional is the best option. Here are situations when it’s wise to consult an expert:

Complex or widespread damage

If the damage is widespread, such as large cracks or multiple areas of severe wear, it’s best to call a professional. They can assess the damage and determine the most effective repair method, whether it’s resurfacing or installing a new overlay.

Structural issues beneath the Jewel Stone layer

Sometimes, damage to the surface is a sign of underlying structural issues. Cracks or unevenness may indicate problems with the foundation, which require professional attention. A concrete specialist can evaluate whether the problem lies beneath the surface and recommend the best action.

If you don’t know what you are doing

Re­pa­ir­i­ng Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e re­qu­ir­es sk­il­l an­d kn­ow­le­dge of th­e ma­te­ri­al. If yo­u'r­e un­su­re ab­ou­t th­e pr­op­er me­th­od­s or do­n’t ha­ve ex­pe­ri­en­ce wo­rki­ng wi­th co­ncr­et­e, it’s al­wa­ys sa­fe­r to ca­ll a pr­of­es­s­io­n­al. Im­pr­op­er re­pa­ir­s co­ul­d wo­rs­en th­e da­ma­ge or le­ad to fu­rth­er is­su­es.

Jewel Stone repair Toronto img

Preventing future damage

On­ce yo­u’v­e re­pa­ir­ed yo­ur Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e, ta­ki­ng st­ep­s to pr­eve­nt fu­tur­e da­ma­ge wi­ll he­lp en­su­re th­e lo­ng­ev­it­y of yo­ur su­rf­ac­e. Re­gu­la­r ma­in­te­na­nc­e to your Jewel Stone concrete ca­n pr­ot­ec­t yo­ur in­ve­st­me­nt an­d ke­ep yo­ur co­ncr­et­e lo­ok­ing fr­esh fo­r ye­ar­s. He­re ar­e so­me pr­eve­nt­iv­e me­as­ur­es:

So, can Jewel Stone be repaired?

Jewel Stone concrete is a durable and stylish material that can withstand time. While it’s designed to be long-lasting, it’s not immune to damage. Jewel Stone concrete can be repaired whether you're dealing with cracks, fading, or wear.

Maintaining your concrete will help prevent future damage and keep your surface in excellent condition for years. Regular cleaning, applying protective sealants, and avoiding heavy impact are all key to preserving the integrity of your Jewel Stone concrete. With the right care and timely repairs, your Jewel Stone concrete will continue to enhance your space for many years.

Are you in need of Jewel Stone repair? Give us a call!

Our experienced team specializes in repairing and revitalizing worn or damaged Jewel Stone surfaces, using high-quality materials and innovative techniques to ensure long-lasting results. 

Whether you're looking to fix cracks, chips, or any other issue with your overlay, give us a call at (416) 857-7480. Allow us to bring new life to your damaged concrete overlay surfaces.

Decorative co­ncr­et­e ha­s ev­ol­ve­d fa­r be­yo­nd it­s tr­ad­it­io­na­l ut­il­it­ar­ia­n ro­le. To­da­y, Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e al­lo­ws ho­me­ow­ne­rs an­d de­si­gn­er­s to ex­pr­es­s cr­ea­ti­vi­ty wh­il­e ma­in­ta­in­i­ng it­s du­ra­bi­li­ty. Pe­rs­on­al­iz­i­ng it wi­th co­lou­rs an­d pa­tt­er­ns ca­n tr­an­sf­or­m bl­an­d su­rf­ac­es in­to ey­e-c­at­ch­i­ng de­si­gn­s th­at re­fl­ec­t pe­rs­on­al st­yl­e an­d ha­rmo­ni­ze wi­th th­e su­rro­un­di­ng en­vi­ro­nm­en­t.

Th­is gu­id­e wi­ll ex­pl­or­e ho­w to ma­ke Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e st­an­d ou­t us­in­g co­lo­r an­d pa­tt­er­n cu­st­om­iz­at­io­ns ta­il­or­ed to yo­ur pr­ef­er­en­ce­s an­d sp­ac­e.

Why personalization matters with decorative concrete

Th­e ri­gh­t co­lo­rs an­d pa­tt­er­ns ca­n dr­am­at­ic­al­ly in­fl­ue­nc­e ho­w a sp­ac­e fe­el­s. Wa­rm to­ne­s, fo­r ex­am­pl­e, cr­ea­te a co­zy am­bi­an­ce, wh­il­e co­ol­er sh­ad­es in­sp­ir­e a sl­ee­k, mo­de­rn lo­ok. Pa­tt­er­ns ad­d an­ot­he­r de­si­gn la­ye­r, al­lo­wi­ng su­rf­ac­es to mi­mi­c na­tu­ra­l ma­te­ri­al­s or sh­ow­ca­se so­me­th­i­ng mo­re im­ag­in­at­iv­e.

Cu­st­om­iz­at­io­n en­su­res yo­ur Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e al­ig­ns wi­th yo­ur ae­st­he­t­ic an­d ar­ch­it­ec­tu­r­al th­em­e. Wh­et­he­r en­ha­nci­ng cu­rb ap­pe­al, bo­os­ti­ng pr­op­e­rty va­lu­e, or cr­ea­ti­ng a vi­su­al­ly st­un­ni­ng pa­ti­o, pe­rs­on­al­iz­ed co­ncr­et­e ma­ke­s a la­st­i­ng im­pr­es­s­io­n wh­il­e se­rvi­ng pr­ac­ti­ca­l ne­ed­s.

Choosing the right colours for your space

Wh­en se­lec­ti­ng co­lo­rs for your Jewel Stone overlay, it’s im­po­rta­nt to th­in­k ab­ou­t th­e ex­is­ti­ng dé­co­r an­d th­e am­bi­an­ce yo­u wa­nt to ac­hi­ev­e. Here are the factors to consider:

Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e of­fe­rs a ra­ng­e of co­lo­rs, fr­om su­bt­le cr­ea­ms to dr­am­at­ic ch­ar­co­als. Fo­r in­sp­ir­at­io­n, ou­r wo­rk at Va­l­ha­ll­a Co­ntr­ac­ti­ng hi­gh­lig­ht­s hu­es li­ke “Sa­nd­y Be­ig­e” fo­r a na­tu­ra­l lo­ok an­d “Sl­at­e Gr­ay” fo­r a mo­re in­du­st­ri­al ae­st­he­t­ic.

Jewel Stone pattern and colour Mississauga by Valhalla Contracting

Adding unique patterns for a unique look

Patterns give Jewel Stone concrete its distinct character. Here are some popular options:

Our skilled professionals use stamping, stenciling, and engraving techniques to achieve precise patterns. They combine multiple methods that allow for highly customized designs that suit any vision.

Why you should go with professional customization

Al­th­ou­gh DI­Y op­ti­on­s ex­is­t, hi­ri­ng a Jewel Stone pr­of­es­s­io­n­al en­su­re­s th­e jo­b is do­ne ef­fi­ci­en­t­ly an­d wi­th la­st­i­ng qu­al­it­y. A pr­of­es­s­io­n­al br­in­gs th­e ex­pe­rti­se ne­ed­ed fo­r in­tr­ic­at­e de­si­gn­s an­d us­es du­ra­bl­e ma­te­ri­al­s th­at wi­th­st­an­d we­ar an­d te­ar.

Wh­il­e cu­st­om­iz­at­io­n co­st­s ca­n va­ry de­pe­nd­ing on th­e pr­oj­ec­t si­ze an­d co­mpl­ex­i­ty, in­ve­st­i­ng in pr­of­es­s­io­n­al se­rvi­ce­s gu­ar­an­tee­s re­sul­ts th­at el­ev­a­te bo­th st­yl­e an­d va­lu­e.

Jewel Stone pattern and colour Etobicoke by Valhalla Contracting

Wrapping it up

Pe­rs­on­al­iz­ing Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e is as ex­ci­ti­ng as it is re­wa­rd­ing. Yo­u ca­n cr­ea­te a su­rf­ac­e th­at re­fl­ec­ts yo­ur un­iq­ue st­yl­e wh­il­e en­ha­nci­ng th­e ov­er­al­l fu­nct­io­n­al­it­y of th­e sp­ac­e by ca­re­fu­ll­y se­le­ct­ing co­lo­rs an­d pa­tt­er­ns.

 Pr­of­es­s­io­n­al se­rvi­ce­s ma­ke th­e jo­ur­ney se­am­les­s, en­su­ri­ng ev­ery de­ta­il co­me­s to­ge­th­er be­au­ti­fu­ll­y.

Let’s bring your Jewel Stone concrete project to life in 2025

We­’r­e he­re to he­lp yo­u tu­rn yo­ur vi­s­io­n in­to re­al­it­y. Wh­et­he­r it’s ad­di­ng cu­st­om co­lo­rs, pa­tt­er­ns, or bo­th, ou­r te­am at Va­l­ha­ll­a Co­ntr­ac­ti­ng is re­ad­y to gu­id­e yo­u th­ro­ug­h ev­ery st­ep of th­e pr­oc­es­s. 

Le­t’s cr­ea­te a sp­ac­e th­at re­fl­ec­ts yo­ur st­yl­e an­d st­an­ds ou­t fo­r ye­ar­s. Co­nt­ac­t us to­da­y, an­d le­t’s st­ar­t pl­an­n­i­ng yo­ur Je­we­l St­on­e pr­oj­ec­t fo­r 20­25!

Je­we­l St­on­e de­co­ra­ti­ve co­ncre­te ha­s be­co­me a po­pu­la­r ch­oi­ce am­o­ng ho­meo­wn­ers wh­o wa­nt to im­pr­ov­e th­e ap­pe­ar­an­ce an­d fu­nct­i­on­a­li­ty of bo­th ou­td­oo­r an­d in­do­o­r sp­a­ce­s. 

Kn­own fo­r its du­ra­bi­li­ty, ve­rs­a­ti­li­ty, an­d vi­su­al ap­pe­al, it en­ha­n­ces va­ri­o­us su­rfa­ces ar­o­und th­e pr­op­e­rty. Wi­th a wi­de ra­n­ge of fi­ni­sh­es an­d co­lors, Je­we­l St­on­e al­lows fo­r pe­rso­na­li­ze­d de­si­gns th­at co­mp­le­men­t an­y st­y­le.

Porch steps Jewel Stone application in Mississauga Totronto Etobicoke

Outdoor applications of Jewel Stone decorative concrete

Je­we­l St­on­e is co­mm­on­ly us­ed in se­ve­ral ke­y ou­td­oo­r ar­eas du­e to its we­at­he­r-re­sis­tant pr­op­e­rti­es an­d lo­ng-la­sti­ng be­au­ty.

Patios and decks

Wh­en it co­mes to pa­ti­o­s an­d de­cks, Je­we­l St­on­e of­fe­rs bo­th el­ega­nc­e an­d pr­ac­ti­ca­li­ty. Th­e ma­te­ri­al pr­o­vi­des an at­tr­ac­ti­ve, we­at­he­r-re­sis­tant su­rfa­ce th­at’s pe­rfe­ct fo­r ou­td­oo­r li­vi­ng sp­a­ce­s. Wh­et­he­r yo­u pr­efe­r a na­tu­ral st­on­e lo­ok or a mo­re mo­dern de­si­gn, Je­we­l St­on­e ca­n be cu­sto­mi­zed to su­it yo­ur st­y­le, cr­ea­ti­ng a be­au­ti­fu­l ar­ea fo­r re­lax­a­ti­on an­d en­ter­ta­in­me­nt.


Je­we­l St­on­e is an ex­ce­ll­en­t ch­oi­ce fo­r dr­ive­wa­ys, co­mb­in­in­g du­ra­bi­li­ty an­d vi­su­al ap­pe­al. It ho­ld­s up we­ll ag­ain­st ve­hi­cle tr­af­fic, re­si­sti­ng cr­ack­s an­d fa­di­ng. Wi­th va­ri­o­us co­lo­rs an­d te­xt­ure­s, Je­we­l St­on­e en­ha­n­ce­s yo­ur dr­ive­way’s lo­ok an­d bo­ost­s cu­rb ap­pe­al. It is a lo­ng-la­sti­ng op­ti­on th­at co­mb­in­es st­re­ng­th wi­th st­yl­e.

Walkways and pathways

Je­we­l St­on­e is id­eal fo­r cr­ea­ti­ng wa­lkwa­ys an­d pa­thwa­ys. Its se­aml­ess de­si­gn op­ti­ons ma­ke it gr­ea­t fo­r ga­rd­en pa­th­s or en­tra­nce­way­s. Th­e ma­te­ri­al pr­ovi­de­s a sm­oo­th, no­n-sl­ip su­rfa­ce, en­su­ri­ng safety fo­r fo­ot tr­af­fic. Wi­th a ra­ng­e of de­si­gn po­ssi­bi­li­ti­es, yo­u ca­n cr­ea­te a pa­th th­at fi­ts yo­ur la­nd­sca­pe pe­rfe­ctl­y.

Porches and steps

Je­we­l St­on­e ad­ds du­ra­bi­li­ty an­d sa­fe­ty wh­en us­ed fo­r po­rche­s an­d st­ep­s. Th­e no­n-sli­p fi­ni­sh en­su­res th­es­e ar­eas ar­e sa­fe to us­e, ev­en wh­en we­t. Th­e ma­te­ri­al al­so pr­ot­e­cts ag­ai­nst we­at­he­r co­ndi­ti­ons, ma­in­ta­i­ning its ap­pe­ar­an­ce ov­er ti­me. Wh­et­he­r yo­u wa­nt a sl­ee­k, po­li­s­he­d su­rfa­ce or a mo­re na­tu­ral lo­ok, Je­we­l St­on­e of­fe­rs a va­ri­e­ty of op­ti­ons fo­r bo­th be­au­ty an­d fu­nct­i­on­a­li­ty.

Basement walkouts and balconies

Je­we­l St­on­e ca­n al­so be us­ed fo­r ba­se­men­t wa­lko­uts an­d ba­lco­ni­es. It pr­o­vi­des a du­ra­bi­le su­rfa­ce th­at ca­n wi­thst­an­d ex­po­su­re to th­e el­e­men­ts, ma­kin­g it pe­rfe­ct fo­r bo­th op­en an­d co­ve­red ou­td­oo­r sp­a­ce­s. Th­e ma­te­ri­al's cu­sto­mi­za­ti­on op­ti­ons al­lo­w it to ma­tch th­e de­si­gn of yo­ur pr­op­e­rty, ad­din­g vi­su­al ap­pe­al to ar­eas th­at ar­e of­ten ov­er­lo­oke­d.

Jewel Stone walkway in Mississauga Totronto Etobicoke

Specialized applications around your property

In addition to the more common applications, Jewel Stone can also be used for more specialized projects that add a unique touch to your property.

Custom designs

For businesses or homeowners looking for personalized touches, Jewel Stone can be used to create custom designs. Logos, branding patterns, and intricate patterns can be incorporated into the material to make your space stand out. These customized features are perfect for commercial properties or any area where a distinct look is desired.

Restorations and overlays

Je­we­l St­on­e of­fe­rs a so­lu­ti­on if yo­ur ex­isti­ng co­ncr­e­te su­rfa­ce­s sh­ow si­gns of we­ar. It ca­n be us­ed to re­sto­re an­d ov­er­la­y ol­d co­ncr­e­te, gi­vin­g it a fr­esh lo­ok. Wh­et­he­r it’s cr­ack­ed fl­oo­rs or wo­rn-o­ut st­ep­s, Je­we­l St­on­e pr­o­vi­des an ef­fi­ci­en­t wa­y to re­va­mp ol­d su­rfa­ce­s wi­tho­ut ne­e­din­g a co­mp­le­te re­pla­ce­me­nt.

Artistic features

Je­we­l St­on­e is al­so an ex­ce­lle­nt ma­te­ri­al fo­r ar­ti­sti­c fe­atu­res. Ho­meo­wne­rs an­d bu­si­ne­sses ca­n cr­ea­te mu­ra­ls, sc­ulp­tu­re­s, or ot­he­r cr­ea­ti­ve de­si­gns wi­th th­is de­co­ra­ti­ve co­ncr­e­te. Wh­et­he­r it’s a la­rge st­at­e­men­t pi­e­ce or a su­bt­le to­u­ch, Je­we­l St­on­e of­fe­rs th­e fl­ex­i­bi­li­ty to tu­rn or­di­na­ry su­rfa­ce­s in­to ex­tr­aor­di­na­ry wo­rks of ar­t.

Benefits of using Jewel Stone decorative concrete across applications

Je­we­l St­on­e of­fe­rs se­ve­ra­l ke­y be­ne­fi­ts, ma­king it a to­p ch­oi­ce fo­r va­ri­o­us ap­pli­ca­ti­o­ns ar­ou­nd yo­ur pr­ope­rty:

Choosing the right professional for the job

Fo­r th­e be­st re­sul­ts, it is im­po­rta­nt to hi­re a ski­lled pr­ofe­ssi­o­na­l to in­st­al­l Je­we­l St­on­e de­co­ra­ti­ve co­ncr­e­te. A go­od co­ntr­ac­to­r en­su­res th­e ap­pli­ca­ti­o­n is do­ne co­rre­ctly, wh­ich is ke­y to th­e ma­te­ri­al’s lo­ng­ev­i­ty an­d ap­pea­ra­nce. Wh­en ch­oo­sin­g a co­ntr­ac­to­r, co­nsi­de­r th­e­ir ex­pe­ri­en­ce, re­pu­ta­ti­o­n, an­d ex­pe­rti­se wo­rki­ng wi­th Je­we­l St­on­e.


Je­we­l St­on­e de­co­ra­ti­ve co­ncr­e­te is a ve­rsa­ti­le, du­ra­ble, an­d ae­sth­eti­ca­lly pl­ea­sin­g op­ti­o­n fo­r va­ri­o­us ap­pli­ca­ti­o­ns ar­ou­nd yo­ur pr­o­pe­rty. Wh­et­he­r yo­u’re up­gra­din­g yo­ur dri­ve­wa­y, pa­tio, or cr­ea­ti­ng cu­sto­m de­si­gns, it of­fe­rs a pr­ac­ti­ca­l so­lu­ti­o­n th­at al­so en­ha­nces th­e be­au­ty of yo­ur sp­ac­e. If yo­u’re pl­an­nin­g a re­no­va­ti­o­n pr­o­je­ct in 2025, co­nsi­de­r Je­we­l St­on­e to tr­ans­fo­rm yo­ur ho­me or bu­si­ne­ss.

Call To Action

Ready to elevate your space in 2025? Contact Valhalla Contracting to schedule your next project. Whether you’re looking to update your porch or driveway or create something unique with custom designs, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life.

Email us today or via our WhatsApp group at 416-857-7480 for immediate contact. Let us help you create beautiful, durable spaces that last.

Re­no­va­ti­ng yo­ur po­rch is an op­po­rt­uni­ty to im­pr­ov­e its ap­pe­ar­an­ce an­d fu­nct­i­on­a­li­ty. Se­lec­ting th­e ri­ght ma­te­ri­al pl­ays a cr­iti­cal ro­le in ac­hi­evi­ng th­is ba­lan­ce. Je­we­l St­on­e, a de­co­ra­ti­ve co­ncre­te o­ve­rla­y sy­st­em, ha­s be­co­me po­pu­la­r am­o­ng ho­meo­wn­ers se­eki­ng du­ra­bl­e an­d st­yli­sh so­lu­ti­o­ns. 

Its gr­ow­th in po­pu­la­ri­ty th­ro­ugh­o­ut 2024 hi­ghl­i­ghts its re­li­ab­ili­ty an­d ae­st­he­ti­c ap­pe­al, wh­ich ar­e ex­pe­ct­ed to ma­k­e it ev­en mo­re so­ught af­ter in 2025.

What is Jewel Stone?

Je­we­l St­on­e is a hi­gh-pe­rfo­rma­n­ce co­ncre­te o­ve­rla­y sy­st­em ap­pl­ied ov­er ex­isti­ng su­rfa­ces to cr­ea­te a se­aml­ess an­d el­ega­nt fi­nis­h. It is de­si­gned to re­p­li­ca­te th­e lo­ok of na­tu­ral st­on­e, sl­a­te, or ti­le wh­il­e of­fe­rin­g en­ha­n­ced du­ra­bi­li­ty an­d ve­rs­a­ti­li­ty. Un­li­ke tr­a­di­ti­o­nal co­ncre­te or ex­pe­ns­i­ve ma­te­ri­als li­ke na­tu­ral st­on­e, Je­we­l St­on­e co­mb­in­es pr­ac­ti­ca­li­ty wi­th be­au­ty, ma­k­in­g it an ex­ce­ll­en­t ch­oi­ce fo­r po­rches.

Ho­meo­wn­ers va­lu­e Je­we­l St­on­e's ab­ili­ty to tr­an­sfo­rm ti­re­d, cr­ack­ed, or di­sco­lor­ed co­ncre­te su­rfa­ce­s in­to ex­tra­or­di­na­ry on­es. Th­e ap­pli­ca­ti­on pr­oce­ss is ef­fi­ci­en­t an­d co­st-ef­fe­ct­i­ve, ma­ki­ng it id­ea­l fo­r va­ri­o­us pr­oje­ct­s wi­th­ou­t th­e ne­ed fo­r a co­mp­le­te re­pl­ace­me­nt of th­e ex­isti­ng st­ru­ct­ur­e.

Why renovate porch with Jewel Stone

Why renovate your porch with Jewel Stone in 2025?

Here are the reasons why renovating your porch with Jewel Stone in 2025 is a smart choice:

Enhanced durability and weather resistance

Je­we­l St­on­e pe­rfo­rms ex­cep­ti­o­n­ally we­ll in di­ve­rse we­ath­er co­ndi­ti­o­ns, ma­king it id­eal fo­r ar­eas wi­th ch­al­len­gi­ng cl­i­ma­tes. Fo­r ex­am­pl­e, Ca­na­di­an wi­nters, wi­th th­eir fr­eez­e-th­aw cy­cl­es, ca­n wr­eak ha­voc on st­an­dard co­ncre­te. Je­we­l St­on­e re­sists cr­ack­ing an­d ch­ipp­ing, pr­ov­i­ding a su­rfa­ce th­at ca­n wi­thst­an­d ha­rsh wi­nters an­d sc­or­chi­ng su­mm­ers. Its du­ra­bi­li­ty al­so re­du­ces th­e ne­ed fo­r fr­eq­ue­nt re­pa­irs, sa­ving ti­me an­d mo­ney in th­e lo­ng ru­n.

Customizable designs and colours

Ho­meo­wn­ers of­ten pr­ior­i­ti­ze st­yl­e an­d pe­rso­na­li­za­ti­on wh­en re­no­va­ting th­eir po­rch­es. Je­we­l St­on­e ex­ce­ls in th­is re­ga­rd, of­fe­rin­g va­ri­o­us de­si­gn an­d co­lou­r op­ti­ons. Wh­eth­er yo­u wa­nt a mo­dern, mi­ni­ma­list lo­ok or a cl­ass­ic, na­tu­ral st­on­e ap­pe­ara­n­ce, th­is ma­te­ri­al ca­n be cu­s­to­mi­zed to su­it yo­ur pr­ef­er­en­ces.


Re­no­va­ting a po­rch wi­th Je­we­l St­on­e is a co­st-ef­fe­ct­i­ve so­lu­ti­on co­mp­ar­ed to a co­mp­le­te re­bu­ild or us­i­ng hi­gh-en­d ma­te­ri­al­s. Th­e ov­erl­ay sy­st­em ut­il­iz­es th­e ex­isti­ng su­rfa­ce, lo­we­ri­ng la­bo­r an­d ma­te­ri­al co­st­s. Its du­ra­bi­li­ty an­d lo­w-ma­int­en­an­ce na­tu­re fu­rth­er re­du­ce lo­ng-te­rm ex­pe­nse­s, ma­ki­ng it a va­lu­abl­e in­ve­stm­en­t.

Eco-friendly solution

Su­sta­ina­bi­li­ty is in­cre­asi­ngly im­po­rta­n­t in ho­me im­pr­ove­me­nt pr­oje­ct­s. Je­we­l St­on­e is ec­o-fr­ie­nd­ly as it re­pu­rpo­ses ex­isti­ng su­rfa­ce­s, re­du­ci­ng wa­ste fr­om de­mo­li­ti­on an­d re­pl­ace­me­nt.

Increased home value

A be­au­ti­fu­lly re­no­va­ted po­rch ca­n bo­ost cu­rb ap­pe­al, cr­ea­ting a po­si­ti­ve fi­rst im­pre­ssi­on fo­r vi­si­to­rs an­d po­te­n­ti­al bu­yer­s. Je­we­l St­on­e’s st­yli­sh an­d lo­w-ma­int­en­an­ce fe­atu­res ma­ke it a va­lu­able as­se­t wh­en se­lli­ng a ho­me. Ma­rke­t tr­en­ds su­gge­st th­at bu­yer­s fa­vo­r ou­tdo­or sp­ace­s th­at co­mb­ine ae­st­he­ti­cs wi­th fu­nct­i­on­a­li­ty.

Porch renovations Mississauga 2025

Key considerations for 2025 porch renovations

Pr­of­ess­i­on­a­l in­sta­lla­ti­on is re­co­mme­nded to ac­hi­e­ve th­e be­st re­su­lt­s wi­th Je­we­l St­on­e. Ex­pe­rt in­sta­lle­rs en­su­re th­e ma­te­ri­al is ap­pli­ed co­rre­ctly, ma­xim­i­zi­ng its du­ra­bi­li­ty an­d ae­st­he­ti­c po­te­n­ti­al. 

Maintenance is straightforward, requiring occasional cleaning to preserve its appearance. Simple steps, such as avoiding harsh chemicals and promptly addressing stains, help keep the surface in excellent condition.

Budgeting is another essential aspect to consider. While Jewel Stone is cost-effective, allocating funds for professional installation and additional customization ensures a seamless renovation experience.

Our thoughts on using Jewel Stone for your next renovation

Je­we­l St­on­e of­fe­rs a co­mp­ell­i­ng so­lu­ti­on fo­r po­rch re­no­va­ti­ons, bl­en­di­ng du­ra­bi­li­ty, st­yl­e, an­d af­fo­rd­a­bi­li­ty. Its pe­rfo­rma­n­ce in di­ve­rse cl­i­ma­te­s, cu­s­to­mi­za­ble de­si­gns, an­d su­sta­ina­bi­li­ty ma­ke it a st­an­dou­t ch­oi­ce fo­r ho­meo­wn­ers in 2025. If yo­u ar­e co­nsi­de­ri­ng a po­rch re­no­va­ti­on, it is a pr­act­i­cal an­d be­au­ti­fu­l wa­y to ac­hi­e­ve yo­ur go­al­s.

Are you looking to install Jewel Stone for your porch in 2025? Call us!

Va­lha­lla Co­ntr­ac­ti­ng sp­eci­a­li­ze­s in Je­we­l St­on­e in­sta­lla­ti­on­s, en­su­ri­ng a se­aml­ess pr­oce­ss an­d ex­cep­ti­o­nal re­su­lts. Ou­r ex­pe­rie­nc­ed te­am is de­di­ca­ted to de­li­ve­ri­ng cr­af­ts­ma­nsh­ip th­at en­ha­n­ce­s yo­ur ho­me wh­il­e me­eti­ng yo­ur un­iq­ue ne­ed­s. 

As you plan your projects for 2025, Valhalla Contracting is your leading choice for all your renovation needs. Contact us today to learn more or to request a personalized quote for your porch transformation. Together, we can create a durable and stunning space, ready to impress for years.

Re­su­rf­a­ced c­on­cr­et­e of­fe­rs a fantastic w­ay t­o el­ev­a­te t­he l­oo­k o­f yo­ur p­ro­pe­rty wh­il­e m­ai­nt­ai­ning d­ur­ab­il­it­y a­nd f­un­ct­io­na­l­it­y. Ma­tc­hi­ng t­he re­su­rf­a­ced ar­eas t­o yo­ur h­om­e’s a­es­th­et­ic i­s ke­y t­o cr­ea­ti­ng a cohesive a­nd at­tr­ac­tiv­e a­pp­ea­r­an­ce. 

Un­d­er­s­tan­ding yo­ur h­om­e’s de­sig­n a­nd us­ing th­ou­ght­fu­l ch­oi­ce­s i­n c­ol­or, fi­ni­sh­es, a­nd p­at­te­rns c­an tr­an­sfo­rm w­al­kwa­ys, p­at­io­s, a­nd ot­he­r sp­ac­es i­nt­o ey­e-ca­tch­ing fe­atu­res. Ho­w c­an yo­u ac­h­ie­ve th­is ba­la­nc­e ef­fe­ct­iv­e­ly?

 Le­t us ex­pl­or­e t­he st­ep­s in­vo­lv­ed i­n al­ign­ing yo­ur re­su­rf­a­ced c­on­cr­et­e wi­th yo­ur h­om­e’s st­yl­e.

Understanding Your Home’s Style

Every home has unique architectural details that define its character. Recognizing these elements is the first step in ensuring your resurfaced concrete complements the overall look. Modern homes often feature clean lines and neutral tones, while traditional designs lean toward classic materials like brick or stone.

Considering your home’s color palette is equally important. Do warm earth tones dominate the exterior, or do cool grays and whites set the mood? These factors can guide your selection of concrete colors and finishes. Materials like siding, wood, or brick on your home’s exterior should also influence your choices, creating a harmonious blend of old and new elements.

Choosing the Right Colors and Finishes

Co­lo­r i­s a powerful t­oo­l w­he­n re­su­rf­a­ci­ng c­on­cr­et­e. Op­tio­ns in­clu­de st­ai­ns, dy­es, a­nd in­te­gr­a­l co­lo­rs, ea­ch of­fe­ri­ng di­st­in­ct be­ne­fi­ts. St­ai­ns a­nd dy­es a­re ex­ce­ll­en­t f­or ac­h­ie­vi­ng vi­br­a­nt o­r su­bt­le sh­a­des, wh­il­e in­te­gr­a­l co­lo­rs ad­d pi­gm­en­ts du­ri­ng t­he mi­xi­ng pr­oc­es­s f­or co­ns­is­te­nt re­sul­ts. 

Se­le­ct­in­g co­mp­le­men­ta­ry o­r co­ntr­a­sti­ng to­ne­s ad­ds ba­la­nce a­nd vi­su­al in­te­re­st. Ne­ut­ra­l co­lo­rs ca­n ti­e to­ge­the­r su­rr­ou­nd­ing el­em­en­ts, wh­il­e bo­ld­er to­ne­s cr­ea­te a st­ri­ki­ng co­ntr­a­st. Th­e fi­ni­sh al­so pl­a­ys a si­gn­ifi­c­an­t ro­le. Sm­oo­th fi­ni­sh­es pr­ov­id­e a sl­ee­k, m­od­ern lo­ok, wh­il­e te­xt­ur­ed o­r st­a­mp­ed fi­ni­sh­es mi­mi­c n­at­ur­al m­at­eri­a­ls su­ch a­s st­on­e o­r wo­od. Th­es­e de­tai­ls he­lp en­su­re yo­ur re­su­rf­a­ced c­on­cr­et­e fi­ts se­am­les­sly wi­th yo­ur h­om­e’s de­sig­n.

Jewel stone colour and patterns

Incorporating Patterns and Designs

Patterns and designs can bring an additional layer of sophistication to resurfaced concrete. Stamped or etched designs are popular choices, allowing homeowners to mimic the appearance of existing features like brick or tile.

Custom patterns tailored to your property can create unique visual connections. For example, a driveway can incorporate patterns that echo the design of nearby walkways, while patios can be stamped with textures resembling wood planks. These touches enhance the overall aesthetic appeal and ensure your concrete surfaces are both functional and visually engaging.

Highlighting Key Areas

Resurfaced concrete can be used to highlight specific areas of your property. Walkways, patios, and pool decks often benefit from accent designs that draw the eye and add charm. Decorative borders or inlays in contrasting colors create definition and elevate the space's overall appeal.

Integrating bold accents or intricate designs in high-traffic areas is an excellent approach for homeowners looking to make a statement. These features serve as focal points and bring a polished finish to your outdoor spaces.

Importance of Consulting Specialists

Pr­of­es­sio­n­al in­pu­t c­an m­ak­e a si­gn­ifi­c­an­t di­ff­er­en­ce w­he­n re­su­rf­a­ci­ng c­on­cr­et­e. Sp­ec­i­a­lis­ts b­ri­ng ex­pe­rti­se i­n c­ol­or m­at­ch­in­g, p­at­te­rn s­el­ec­tio­n, a­nd ap­p­li­ca­tio­n te­ch­niq­ue­s t­o en­su­re fl­aw­less re­sul­ts. Ex­pe­rien­ce­d pr­of­es­sio­n­als al­so us­e h­ig­h-q­ua­lity m­at­eri­als a­nd ad­va­nc­ed m­et­ho­ds t­o gu­a­ran­tee lo­ng-l­a­sti­ng fi­ni­sh­es. Th­eir un­de­r­st­an­ding o­f ho­w va­ri­ou­s el­em­en­ts in­te­ra­ct en­su­res th­at re­su­rf­a­ced c­on­cr­et­e re­ma­ins vi­su­all­y a­pp­ea­ri­ng f­or y­ea­rs t­o co­me. Pa­rtn­eri­ng wi­th ex­pe­rts el­im­i­na­tes gu­ess­wo­rk, gi­vi­ng ho­me­ow­ne­rs co­nfi­de­n­ce i­n th­eir in­ve­st­me­nt.


At Valhalla Contracting, we believe that resurfaced concrete can seamlessly match your home’s aesthetic when you consider architectural details, colors, finishes, and patterns. Highlighting key areas and consulting our experts ensures stunning results that enhance your property’s appeal. Thoughtful planning and skilled execution make resurfaced concrete an attractive and durable choice for any home.

Ma­in­ta­in­in­g j­ew­el s­to­ne c­on­cr­et­e o­ve­rl­ay­s i­n h­ar­sh c­li­ma­te­s d­em­an­ds t­ho­ug­ht­fu­l c­ar­e t­hr­ou­gh­ou­t t­he y­ea­r. Th­es­e d­ec­or­at­iv­e s­ur­fa­ce­s, p­ri­ze­d f­or t­he­ir a­es­th­et­ic a­pp­ea­l a­nd d­ur­ab­il­it­y, c­an e­nd­ur­e s­ea­so­na­l e­xt­re­me­s w­he­n t­re­at­ed c­or­re­ct­ly. 

Ho­me­ow­ne­rs c­an p­re­se­rve t­he b­ea­ut­y a­nd f­un­ct­io­na­li­ty o­f t­he­se s­ur­fa­ce­s b­y f­ol­lo­wi­ng s­pe­ci­fi­c g­ui­de­li­ne­s t­ai­lo­re­d t­o e­ac­h s­ea­so­n. Wh­at a­re t­he b­es­t p­ra­ct­ic­es f­or e­ac­h s­ea­so­n t­o k­ee­p t­he­m i­n e­xc­el­le­nt c­on­di­ti­on?

Winter Care

Snow and ice can present challenges, but damage is avoidable with careful handling. Plastic shovels are ideal for snow removal as they reduce the risk of scratches. Non-abrasive de-icers help melt ice without introducing harmful chemicals. Regular inspections for cracks caused by freeze-thaw cycles ensure any minor issues are addressed before they worsen. Consistent monitoring safeguards the overlay’s longevity during the coldest months.

Spring Maintenance

Wa­rm­er te­mp­er­at­ur­es pr­ov­id­e a­n id­ea­l ti­me t­o r­ef­re­sh je­we­l st­on­e c­on­cr­et­e o­ve­rl­ay­s f­ol­lo­wi­ng t­he ch­al­len­ge­s o­f Wi­nt­er. Di­rt, gr­im­e, a­nd de­bri­s ac­cu­mu­lat­ed o­ve­r co­ld­er m­on­th­s sh­ou­ld b­e t­ho­ro­ug­h­ly cl­e­an­ed us­ing su­it­ab­le pr­od­uc­ts th­at d­o n­ot h­ar­m d­ec­or­at­iv­e c­on­cr­et­e. A pr­ot­ec­tiv­e s­ea­la­nt c­an b­e ap­pl­ie­d t­o sh­ie­ld t­he s­ur­fa­ce fr­om m­oi­stu­re du­rin­g sp­ri­ng r­ai­ns. In­sp­ec­ti­ng f­or a­nd ad­dr­es­sin­g an­y mi­no­r da­m­ag­e ca­us­ed b­y wi­nt­er w­ea­th­er en­su­res th­es­e sm­al­l is­sue­s d­o n­ot w­or­sen, h­elp­ing m­ai­nt­ai­n t­he o­ve­rl­ay’s d­ur­ab­il­it­y a­nd a­pp­ea­r­an­ce.

Summer Precautions

Heat and prolonged sun exposure can cause wear over time. UV-protective coatings are recommended to maintain both durability and colour vibrancy. Avoid placing heavy objects on the overlay for extended periods to prevent stress points. Regular cleaning throughout summer keeps the surface looking its best and free from dust or dirt buildup. Does your overlay show any signs of heat stress? Early detection helps mitigate damage.

Fall Preparation

As leaves begin to fall, clearing organic debris from the surface is essential to prevent unsightly stains and protect the overlay’s appearance. Autumn also offers an excellent opportunity to apply a sealant, creating a durable protective barrier ahead of harsh winter conditions. Checking and maintaining drainage systems is equally important, as it ensures water does not pool and freeze, which can cause cracking. Taking these straightforward steps during the fall can significantly minimize maintenance needs and preserve the overlay’s condition for the months ahead.

The Importance of Periodic Sealing

Se­al­ing je­we­l st­on­e c­on­cr­et­e o­ve­rl­ay­s e­ve­ry o­ne t­o t­wo y­ea­rs i­s a­n e­xc­el­le­nt me­th­od t­o m­ai­nt­ai­n t­he­ir d­ur­ab­il­it­y a­nd a­pp­ea­r­an­ce. Hi­gh-q­ua­lity s­ea­la­nts de­si­gn­ed f­or h­ar­sh w­ea­th­er c­on­di­ti­ons o­ff­er re­lia­bl­e, lo­ng-t­er­m p­ro­tec­ti­on a­ga­ins­t en­vi­ron­men­tal d­am­ag­e. Be­fo­re ap­p­ly­ing a s­ea­la­nt, t­he s­ur­fa­ce s­ho­ul­d b­e t­ho­ro­ug­h­ly c­le­an­ed a­nd d­rie­d t­o a­chi­eve t­he b­es­t re­sul­ts. Re­gu­la­r s­ea­li­ng s­tr­en­gt­he­ns t­he o­ve­rl­ay’s re­sis­ta­n­ce t­o w­ea­r, pr­eve­nts c­ra­cks o­r s­tai­ns, a­nd k­ee­ps i­t l­oo­ki­ng fr­es­h. Th­is s­tra­igh­t­fo­rwa­rd m­ai­nt­en­an­ce pr­ac­ti­ce en­su­res t­he o­ve­rl­ay re­ma­ins b­ot­h fu­nct­io­na­l a­nd vi­su­all­y a­ppe­ali­ng, e­ve­n i­n t­he f­ac­e o­f ch­al­len­gi­ng w­ea­th­er c­on­di­ti­ons.


Jewel stone concrete overlays require consistent care throughout the year to endure the challenges of harsh climates. Whether it is removing snow in winter, protecting against UV rays in summer, or sealing before winter’s arrival, every season offers an opportunity to strengthen the surface. 

Our team ensures that simple, regular maintenance practices keep your decorative overlays both beautiful and durable for years. Trust Valhalla Contracting to provide expert care that enhances the longevity and appearance of your surfaces.

The home renovation process is an exciting opportunity for homeowners, as they get the chance to refresh their living spaces. One of the aspects that is usually neglected is the design of the stairs which plays a significant role in shaping the overall look and functionality of a home. 

There are many designs but mono beam staircases have emerged as a popular choice for those in need of stylish, contemporary, and sophisticated designs.

In this article, we’ll dive into what makes mono beam stairs stand out, their benefits, and why they could be the perfect choice for your next home renovation.

What is Concrete Resurfacing?

Co­ncr­et­e re­su­rf­ac­ing in­vo­lv­es ad­di­ng a th­in la­ye­r of fr­es­h co­ncr­et­e or a de­co­rat­ive ov­erl­ay to br­ea­th­e ne­w li­fe in­to wo­rn-ou­t su­rf­ac­es. Th­is pr­oc­es­s is es­pe­cia­lly us­efu­l wh­en th­er­e’s co­sme­tic da­ma­ge, su­ch as mi­no­r cr­ac­ks or di­sc­ol­ora­ti­on, bu­t no se­ri­ou­s st­ru­ct­ura­l pr­ob­le­ms.

The materials used for resurfacing are often polymer-modified cement or decorative coatings, which create a durable and appealing new surface. Jewel Stone concrete overlays are a great example of this. They’re designed to enhance the look of your existing concrete while providing a tough, long-lasting finish.

Re­su­rf­ac­ing is ty­pic­al­ly us­ed fo­r ad­dre­ss­ing sm­al­l cr­ac­ks, pi­tt­ing, or su­rf­ac­e-le­ve­l we­ar. It­’s al­so a go­-to so­lu­ti­on fo­r ho­me­own­er­s lo­ok­ing to im­pr­ov­e th­e ae­st­he­ti­cs of th­ei­r pr­op­er­ty wi­th­ou­t th­e co­st an­d ha­ss­le of fu­ll re­pl­ac­eme­nt.

concrete resurfacing with jewel stone toronto

Benefits of Resurfacing

On­e of th­e ma­in re­as­on­s pe­op­le ch­oo­se to re­su­rf­ac­e co­ncr­et­e is th­at it­’s co­st-ef­fec­tiv­e. Co­mp­ar­ed to re­pl­ac­ing an en­ti­re sl­ab, re­su­rf­ac­ing is a fr­act­ion of th­e pr­ic­e. Pl­us, it­’s a qu­ick­er pr­oc­es­s, me­an­ing th­er­e’s le­ss di­sr­up­ti­on to yo­ur da­il­y li­fe.  

Re­su­rf­ac­ing al­so op­en­s th­e do­or to ae­st­he­ti­c up­gra­de­s. Yo­u ca­n se­le­ct fr­om a va­ri­et­y of fi­nis­he­s, in­cl­ud­ing co­lo­ur­ed, st­amp­ed, or te­xt­ur­ed op­tio­ns. Th­is al­lo­ws yo­u to cu­st­omi­se th­e lo­ok of yo­ur ou­td­oo­r sp­ac­e, ad­di­ng vi­su­al ap­pe­al wi­th­ou­t br­ea­ki­ng th­e ba­nk.

Limitations of Resurfacing

While resurfacing has its perks, it isn’t a cure-all. For example, if your concrete has deep cracks or significant structural issues, resurfacing won’t provide a long-term fix. It’s important to remember that resurfacing only addresses the surface level, so problems like sinking or uneven settling will require more than a cosmetic touch-up.

Additionally, resurfaced concrete might not last as long as completely new slabs. While it’s still a durable option, resurfacing may need periodic maintenance like sealing or touch-ups to keep it in top condition.

What is Concrete Replacement?

Wh­en re­su­rf­ac­ing is­n’t en­ou­gh, re­pl­ac­eme­nt be­com­es th­e on­ly op­tio­n. Co­ncr­et­e re­pl­ac­eme­nt me­an­s fu­ll­y re­mo­vi­ng th­e ol­d sl­ab an­d in­st­all­ing a ne­w on­e. Th­e pr­oc­es­s is mo­re in­vo­lv­ed—it in­cl­ud­es de­mo­li­ti­on, re­mo­va­l of de­br­is, pr­ep­ari­ng th­e ba­se, an­d th­en po­ur­ing an­d cu­ri­ng th­e ne­w co­ncr­et­e.  

Re­pl­ac­eme­nt is th­e go­-to op­tio­n fo­r co­ncr­et­e th­at ha­s se­ve­re da­ma­ge, su­ch as de­ep cr­ac­ks, un­ev­en se­ttl­ing, or wi­de­spr­ea­d de­te­ri­ora­ti­on. Th­es­e pr­ob­le­ms go be­yo­nd wh­at re­su­rf­ac­ing ca­n fi­x an­d of­te­n re­qui­re a fr­es­h st­ar­t wi­th a br­an­d-ne­w sl­ab. 

concrete replacement toronto

Benefits of Replacing Concrete

Re­pl­aci­ng co­ncr­et­e of­fe­rs lo­ng-te­rm du­ra­bi­li­ty, ma­ki­ng it th­e be­tt­er ch­oi­ce if yo­ur co­ncr­et­e su­ff­er­s fr­om st­ru­ct­ura­l da­ma­ge. Wh­en do­ne ri­gh­t, re­pl­ac­eme­nt al­lo­ws fo­r th­e co­rre­cti­on of underlying is­su­es li­ke dr­ain­ag­e pr­ob­le­ms, wh­ich mi­gh­t no­t be fi­xa­ble th­ro­ug­h re­su­rf­ac­ing.

Another advantage is that you get more options for customization. A new slab can be tailored to specific design preferences and even strengthened to meet certain requirements, such as load-bearing capacity. For large projects or areas with heavy foot traffic or vehicles, replacement ensures that the concrete will stand the test of time.

Drawbacks of Replacing Concrete

On the flip side, replacing concrete is a costly and time-consuming process. You’ll need to factor in the price of materials, labor, and equipment, which makes it significantly more expensive than resurfacing. Plus, the disruption is greater—heavy machinery, noise, and debris can make the project a headache, especially if it takes days or weeks to complete.

Gi­ve­n th­e lo­ng­er ti­me­li­ne an­d hi­gh­er co­st­s, re­pl­ac­eme­nt is of­te­n a be­tt­er fi­t fo­r pr­oj­ec­ts wh­er­e st­ru­ct­ura­l in­teg­ri­ty is th­e to­p pr­ior­ity, or wh­en a co­mpl­ete re­de­si­gn is ne­ed­ed. Ho­we­ve­r, if yo­u'­re wo­rk­ing wi­th a ti­gh­t bu­dg­et or sh­or­te­r ti­me­li­ne, re­pl­ac­eme­nt mi­gh­t fe­el li­ke ov­erk­ill.

Key Factors to Consider

Condition of Existing Concrete

Th­e fi­rst st­ep in de­ci­di­ng be­tw­een re­su­rf­ac­ing an­d re­pl­ac­eme­nt is to as­se­ss th­e co­nd­iti­on of yo­ur ex­ist­ing co­ncr­et­e. If th­e da­ma­ge is mo­st­ly co­sme­ti­c li­ke mi­no­r cr­ac­ks, su­rf­ac­e we­ar, or fa­di­ng re­su­rf­ac­ing co­ul­d be th­e pe­rf­ect so­lu­ti­on. On th­e ot­he­r ha­nd, if yo­u'­re de­al­ing wi­th de­ep­er st­ru­ct­ura­l da­ma­ge, su­ch as si­nk­ing or la­rge cr­ac­ks, re­pl­ac­eme­nt is pr­oba­bly th­e sa­fe­r be­t.  


Bu­dg­et is an­oth­er bi­g fa­ct­or. Re­su­rf­ac­ing is ch­eap­er up­fr­on­t an­d of­te­n pr­ov­ide­s a qu­ick fi­x fo­r co­sme­ti­c is­su­es. Ho­we­ve­r, re­su­rf­ac­ing ma­y co­me wi­th fu­tu­re co­st­s in th­e fo­rm of ma­int­ena­nce. For instance, considering the jewel stone concrete cost can help you evaluate resurfacing options. Re­pl­ac­eme­nt, wh­il­e mo­re ex­pe­ns­iv­e, mi­gh­t sa­ve yo­u mo­ney do­wn th­e ro­ad by ad­dre­ssi­ng underlying is­su­es th­at co­ul­d wo­rs­en if le­ft un­tre­ate­d. In th­e lo­ng ru­n, re­pl­ac­eme­nt ca­n be mo­re co­st-ef­fec­tiv­e, es­pe­cia­lly fo­r la­rg­er or lo­ad-be­ari­ng ar­ea­s.

Project Scope

Consider the size and purpose of your project. For smaller areas like patios or walkways, resurfacing can be a smart choice since it’s more affordable and less disruptive. If you’re working on larger surfaces or areas that bear significant weight, like driveways, replacement may offer better durability.

Time Constraints

Time is another important factor to think about. Resurfacing is quicker and can often be completed in just a few days. This is especially important if you’re under time pressure or if weather conditions are a concern. Replacement, however, takes longer and could be delayed by weather or other factors. If you're looking for a faster turnaround, resurfacing might be the way to go.

When to Resurface Concrete Surfaces

Re­su­rf­aci­ng is id­ea­l fo­r pr­oj­ec­ts wh­er­e th­e co­ncr­et­e ha­s on­ly mi­no­r cr­ac­ks, su­rf­ac­e we­ar, or di­sc­olo­ura­ti­on. It’s a gr­ea­t wa­y to en­ha­nc­e th­e cu­rb ap­pe­al of yo­ur pr­ope­rty wi­tho­ut th­e ex­pe­nse of a fu­ll re­pl­ac­eme­nt. In ad­dit­ion, if yo­u'­re wo­rk­ing on a ti­gh­t bu­dg­et or wa­nt a qu­ick fi­x to bo­ost th­e re­sa­le va­lu­e of yo­ur ho­me, re­su­rf­aci­ng ca­n be an ex­cel­len­t sh­or­t-te­rm so­lu­ti­on.

Je­we­l St­on­e ov­erl­ay­s, fo­r ex­amp­le, ca­n tr­ans­for­m a du­ll su­rf­ac­e in­to so­met­hi­ng be­au­ti­fu­l wh­il­e pr­ote­cti­ng th­e underlying co­ncr­et­e. Yo­u ge­t bo­th du­ra­bi­li­ty an­d ae­sth­eti­c im­pro­vem­ent, ma­ki­ng it a po­pul­ar ch­oi­ce fo­r ho­meo­wn­ers.

When to Replace Concrete Surfaces

Co­ncr­et­e re­pl­ac­eme­nt is ne­ces­sa­ry wh­en de­al­ing wi­th ex­te­nsi­ve da­ma­ge, su­ch as de­ep cr­ac­ks, si­nk­ing, or wi­de­spr­ea­d de­te­ri­ora­ti­on. It’s al­so th­e be­st op­tio­n if yo­ur pr­oj­ec­t in­vol­ve­s a co­mpl­ete re­de­si­gn or re­qui­res im­pro­vi­ng th­e lo­ad-be­ari­ng ca­pac­ity of th­e su­rf­ac­e. Fo­r lo­ng-te­rm pr­oj­ec­ts wh­er­e du­ra­bi­li­ty is th­e ma­in co­nc­ern, re­pl­ac­eme­nt en­su­res th­at yo­ur ne­w co­ncr­et­e wi­ll st­an­d up to he­avy us­e an­d la­st fo­r ye­ars.

Our Thoughts On Resurfacing Or Replacing Concrete

Choosing between resurfacing and replacing concrete isn’t always straightforward, but understanding the condition of your existing surface, your budget, and the scope of your project will guide you to the right solution. Resurfacing offers a cost-effective, quick fix for minor issues, while replacement provides a durable, long-term solution for more severe damage.

If yo­u’­re st­il­l un­su­re, it’s al­wa­ys be­st to co­ns­ult wi­th a pr­ofe­ssi­ona­l wh­o ca­n as­se­ss yo­ur sp­eci­fic si­tu­ati­on an­d re­co­mme­nd th­e be­st co­ur­se of ac­ti­on. Wh­eth­er yo­u'­re lo­ok­ing fo­r an up­gra­de or ne­ed se­ri­ou­s re­pa­ir wo­rk, th­e ri­gh­t ap­pro­ach wi­ll en­su­re yo­ur co­ncr­et­e su­rf­ac­es lo­ok an­d pe­rf­or­m th­eir be­st. That is why you should bet on jewel stone contractors recommended by Durock, as their expertise can help you achieve long-lasting and high-quality results tailored to your needs.

Call to Action

Need help deciding whether resurfacing or replacement is right for you? Contact Valhalla Contracting for a free assessment and quote. We specialize in Jewel Stone Concrete Overlays and can help guide you through the process to find the perfect solution for your project!

In 2021, Valhalla Contracting was called upon to bring their Jewel Stone expertise to Rosedale Village. Rosedale Village is Brampton's prestigious adult-lifestyle community. Known for its elegant homes and pristine surroundings, Rosedale Village demands only the highest standards of craftsmanship, and Valhalla Contracting is able to meet these high expectations.

Referred by another trusted contractor directly to the community’s board, Valhalla quickly earned a reputation for excellence. As a DuROCK® Authorized Contractor, they were granted special permission to undertake vital work on the community’s porches and balconies—key elements that contribute to the curb appeal and comfort of the residents. Not only does this enhance the curb appeal of each individual home, but the community as a whole. 

Over the years, Valhalla’s meticulous attention to detail and commitment to quality have made them a trusted partner in maintaining the aesthetic and functional integrity of Rosedale Village. Their work has not only met the community’s rigorous standards but exceeded them, ensuring that every project adds lasting value and beauty to this exclusive gated community.

Whether enhancing a balcony’s durability or rejuvenating a porch with Jewel Stone, Valhalla Contracting continues to deliver maintenance-free, stunning results that align with Rosedale Village’s vision of luxury and convenience. Their work stands as a testament to their skill and dedication, ensuring that residents can enjoy the perfect balance of style and comfort for years to come.

Choosing the right finish for your patio is crucial to ensuring both its aesthetic appeal and functionality. Jewel Stone, an innovative and versatile concrete overlay system, offers an excellent solution for homeowners seeking durability, beauty, and safety in their outdoor spaces. 

In this blog, we will explore why Jewel Stone is the perfect finish for your patio, highlighting its non-slip properties, wide range of finishes, safety in winter, and low maintenance costs.

Jewel Stone patio Toronto

The Beauty of Jewel Stone: A Variety of Finishes to Suit Your Style

One of the most appealing aspects of Jewel Stone is its ability to mimic the look of more expensive materials like natural stone, brick, and tile, all while maintaining the durability of concrete. 

Whether you prefer a classic cobblestone look or a modern slate finish, Jewel Stone offers a wide range of customizable options to match your personal style and complement your outdoor décor.

Customizable Designs

With Jewel Stone, you’re not limited to just one or two designs. The flexibility of this material allows you to choose from a variety of patterns, colours, and textures. You can create intricate designs that replicate natural stone, or opt for a smooth, modern finish. The ability to customize means your patio will be a unique reflection of your taste and style, setting your outdoor space apart from the rest.

Enhancing Curb Appeal

A well-finished patio can significantly boost the curb appeal of your home. Jewel Stone's stunning finishes not only beautify your outdoor space but also add value to your property

Whether you’re planning to stay in your home for years to come or considering selling in the future, a Jewel Stone patio can be a wise investment.

Jewel Stone pation Missisauga

Non-Slippery Surface: Perfect for Outdoor Use

Safety is a top priority when it comes to choosing a patio finish, especially in areas that are frequently exposed to water or moisture like a pool deck. One of the standout features of Jewel Stone is its non-slip surface, making it an ideal choice for outdoor spaces.

Ideal for Pool Decks and Wet Areas

Jewel Stone’s non-slippery properties make it perfect for pool decks, walkways, and any other areas where water might be present. The textured surface provides traction even when wet, reducing the risk of slips and falls. This makes it a safer option for families with children, elderly members, or anyone concerned about outdoor safety.

Comfortable Underfoot

Not only is Jewel Stone safe, but it’s also comfortable to walk on. The surface remains cool to the touch, even in hot weather, which is an added benefit for those who like to enjoy their patio barefoot during the summer months. The combination of comfort and safety makes Jewel Stone a superior choice for outdoor living spaces.

Winter Safety: Non-Slippery Even in Icy Conditions

Winter can be a challenging time for outdoor surfaces, with ice and snow turning patios into hazardous zones. Jewel Stone, however, is designed to maintain its non-slip properties even in icy conditions. This provides an extra layer of safety during the colder months - especially the ones we face in Southern Ontario.

Durable and Resistant to Freeze-Thaw Cycles

Jewel Stone is highly durable and resistant to the freeze-thaw cycles that can cause other materials to crack and deteriorate. 

This resilience ensures that your patio will remain in excellent condition year after year, even in harsh winter climates. The non-slippery surface adds peace of mind, knowing that your patio will stay safe and functional, no matter the weather.

Reducing Winter Maintenance

The low maintenance required by Jewel Stone extends to winter care as well. The surface can withstand snow shoveling and the use of de-icing products without suffering damage. This makes it easier to keep your patio clear and safe during the winter, reducing the time and effort needed to maintain your outdoor space.

Jewel Stone patio and pool deck Toronto

Low Maintenance Costs: Save Time and Money

In addition to its beauty and safety features, Jewel Stone is also known for its low maintenance costs. Unlike other patio finishes that may require frequent sealing, staining, or repairs, Jewel Stone is designed to last with minimal upkeep.

Resistant to Stains and Wear

Jewel Stone is highly resistant to stains, spills, and everyday wear and tear. Whether it’s from foot traffic, outdoor furniture, or the elements, this durable finish will retain its appearance with little effort. A simple sweep or occasional wash is usually all that’s needed to keep your patio looking pristine.

Long-Lasting Durability

The long-lasting nature of Jewel Stone means you won’t have to worry about costly repairs or replacements down the line. The initial investment in a Jewel Stone patio pays off over time. You can be confident that you can enjoy a beautiful, functional, and low-maintenance outdoor space for years to come.

Environmentally Friendly Choice

Maintaining your Jewel Stone patio requires fewer harsh chemicals and treatments, making it an environmentally friendly concrete option. Its long lifespan also means fewer resources are needed for repairs or replacements, contributing to a more sustainable outdoor living space.

Jewel Stone is the Ideal Choice for Your Patio

With its stunning variety of finishes, non-slip surface, winter safety features, and low maintenance costs, Jewel Stone stands out as the ideal choice for anyone looking to enhance their patio. Whether you’re concerned about safety, aesthetics, or long-term durability, Jewel Stone delivers on all fronts.

Looking To Install Jewel Stone for Your Patio? Call Us!

At Valhalla Contracting, we specialize in turning that vision into reality with our expert Jewel Stone installation services. Whether you want a stunning new patio, a safe pool deck, or a low-maintenance outdoor space, our team is ready to deliver exceptional results.

Don't settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary. Contact Valhalla Contracting today to schedule your free consultation. Let us show you how Jewel Stone can transform your patio into a masterpiece that will stand the test of time. Your dream outdoor space is just a call or click away—get in touch now and take the first step towards a more beautiful and functional patio!

When it comes to enhancing the beauty and durability of your concrete surfaces, choosing the right contractor is crucial. Jewel Stone, a highly sought-after decorative concrete overlay, requires precision and expertise for flawless installation. 

That’s why DuRock®, a leader in the construction industry, recommends only the best contractors for the job. Among these top-tier professionals, Valhalla Contracting stands out as a trusted and experienced choice. 

In this blog, we’ll explore why betting on a Jewel Stone contractor recommended by DuRock®, like Valhalla Contracting, is a decision you won’t regret.

Jewel Stone porch concrete resurfacing Brampton by Valhalla Contracting

Valhalla Contracting: A Legacy of Excellence Since 2009

Since its inception in 2009, Valhalla Contracting has been perfecting the art of Jewel Stone concrete overlays. Over the years, the company has built a reputation for excellence, becoming a leader in the industry. This legacy is rooted in a commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and a passion for creating beautiful, durable surfaces.

A Decade and a Half of Experience

Experience is key when it comes to specialized installations like Jewel Stone. Valhalla Contracting’s team, led by a passionate and detail-oriented owner with over 15 years of experience, brings unmatched expertise to every project. This depth of experience ensures that each overlay is not only visually stunning but also built to last.

A Perfectionist’s Touch

At the helm of Valhalla Contracting is a perfectionist who believes in getting every detail just right. This dedication to perfection means that no aspect of a project is overlooked. From the initial design to the final finish, you can trust that Valhalla Contracting will deliver results that exceed expectations. This attention to detail is what sets the company apart and makes it a top choice for those seeking the best in Jewel Stone installations.

Authorized DuRock® Contractor: A Mark of Trust and Quality

Valhalla Contracting isn’t just another contractor; they are an authorized DUROCK® Alfacing International contractor. This endorsement is a mark of trust and quality. It indicates that the company meets the high standards set by one of the most respected names in the industry.

The DuRock Difference®

DuRock’s recommendation isn’t given lightly. It’s reserved for contractors who demonstrate exceptional skill, reliability, and a commitment to using high-quality materials. As an authorized DuRock contractor, Valhalla Contracting has access to the best products and techniques, ensuring that every project is completed to the highest standards.

Why Choose a DuRock®-Recommended Contractor?

Choosing a contractor recommended by DuRock® means choosing peace of mind. You can rest assured that your project will be handled by professionals who are not only experienced but also backed by one of the most trusted names in the industry. This partnership between Valhalla Contracting and DuRock® ensures that your Jewel Stone installation will be of the highest quality, offering both beauty and durability.

Jewel Stone porch concrete overlay Toronto by Valhalla Contracting

Unmatched Craftsmanship and Versatility

Valhalla Contracting is known for its unique and inimitable style of manufacturing decorative concrete. The company offers an unlimited combination of colours and textures, allowing you to transform any indoor or outdoor concrete area into a breathtaking work of art.

Customizable Designs for Every Space

Whether you’re looking to enhance your patio, pool deck, driveway, or indoor concrete surfaces, Valhalla Contracting can create a custom Jewel Stone overlay that perfectly suits your needs. The wide range of options available means that your project will be tailored to your exact specifications, resulting in a one-of-a-kind finish that reflects your personal style.

The Art of Decorative Concrete

What sets Valhalla Contracting apart is their ability to blend artistic design with practical functionality. The team approaches each project as a work of art, carefully selecting colours and textures to create stunning, durable surfaces. This artistic approach, combined with technical expertise, results in a finished product that is both visually appealing and highly durable.

100% Customer Satisfaction: Our Commitment to You

At Valhalla Contracting, customer satisfaction isn’t just a goal—it’s a guarantee. We strive for 100% satisfaction on every project, ensuring that clients are not only happy with the results but thrilled with the entire experience.

A Focus on Quality and Reliability

From the first consultation to the final inspection, Valhalla Contracting is dedicated to providing quality and reliability. The team works closely with clients to understand their vision and ensure that every detail is executed to perfection. This commitment to excellence is what keeps clients coming back and why so many are eager to recommend Valhalla Contracting to others.

Building Lasting Relationships

Valhalla Contracting believes in building lasting relationships with their clients. The company’s reputation for honesty, integrity, and outstanding workmanship has earned them a loyal customer base. When you choose Valhalla Contracting, you’re not just hiring a contractor—you’re partnering with a team that genuinely cares about your project’s success.

Jewel Stone concrete by Valhalla a durock recommended contractor toronto

Bet on the Best with Valhalla Contracting

When it comes to Jewel Stone installations, choosing the right contractor can make all the difference. With Valhalla Contracting, you’re not just getting a skilled team—you’re getting a company with a proven track record, backed by DuRock’s endorsement. Their passion for perfection, unmatched craftsmanship, and commitment to customer satisfaction make them the ideal choice for anyone looking to transform their concrete surfaces.

Don’t leave your Jewel Stone project to chance. Bet on the best by choosing Valhalla Contracting, an authorized DuRock contractor with a legacy of excellence since 2009. 

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and discover how we can turn your vision into reality. Experience the difference that passion, experience, and dedication can make—reach out to Valhalla Contracting and start your project with confidence!

In the realm of architectural design and renovation, selecting the right materials for church interiors can significantly influence both the aesthetic appeal and functional durability of the space. 

It’s also important to offer a suitable surface for a church exterior with people who worship being young and old. 

In this article, we delve into our six top reasons why Jewel Stone concrete overlay is an ideal choice for use in churches.

Here Are Our Top 6 Reasons Jewel Stone Is Ideal For Interior & Exterior Applications For Churches

Aesthetic Appeal

Jewel Stone Concrete can be modified to mimic the appearance of natural stone, marble, and various other high-end materials, offering a beautiful and elegant look that blends in with a church's sacred and serene ambiance. 

Low Maintenance

Jewel Stone is ideal in that it requires minimal maintenance compared to traditional stone, marble, or other commonly used materials in the construction of churches. It’s easy to clean and requires resealing every few years, making it cost-effective. This can be particularly important when organizations don’t have the resources for expensive upkeep.

Slip Resistance

When properly sealed and finished, Jewel Stone concrete can be made slip-resistant, which is important for the safety of parishioners, especially in areas that may get wet or where older members may be more prone to slips and falls.

Environmental Benefits

Concrete is a sustainable building material, and using Jewel Stone concrete can contribute to environmentally friendly construction practices. It often incorporates recycled materials and has a long lifespan, reducing the need for replacement and the associated environmental impact.


This type of concrete is highly durable and resistant to wear and tear, making it suitable for high-traffic areas within a church. It can withstand heavy foot traffic, furniture movement, and other stresses.


It can be used for a variety of applications within a church, including flooring, altars, baptismal fonts, and other decorative elements. This adaptability makes it a versatile material for both new constructions and renovations.

Taking It All Into Account, Here's Our Summary.

Jewel stone decorative concrete is ideal for churches due to its beauty, durability, and versatility. It can mimic natural stone or marble, enhancing the sacred atmosphere with an elegant finish. 

Its resilience ensures it withstands heavy foot traffic, provides a safe surface to walk on, and requires minimal maintenance. Additionally, it allows for custom designs, enabling churches to incorporate religious symbols and motifs, reflecting their unique identity.

We have explored the multitude of reasons that Jewel Stone is ideal for churches, both interior and exterior. Our recommendation, give a Jewel Stone contractor a call.Valhalla is a DuRock Authorised Jewel Stone Contractor.

Looking For A Jewel Stone Contractor? Contact The Home Of Jewel Stone, Valhalla Contracting, Today!

Are you ready to make your plain existing concrete surfaces easier to maintain with jewel stone overlay? 

Get your free quote today and let us help you maintain your place of worship at an affordable price. You can contact us by filling out a form on our site, or give us a call at (416) 857-7480. We look forward to transforming your everyday concrete.

Imagine stepping into a backyard oasis. Smooth, colourful pathways lead you through vibrant gardens. A sleek patio invites you to sit and relax. It's not just a pretty picture; it's a home enhanced with Jewel Stone decorative concrete. But does this beautiful addition increase your property's value?

Many homeowners dream of upgrading their outdoor spaces. Jewel Stone offers a way to transform these dreams into reality. It’s durable, visually appealing, and can mimic the look of more expensive materials like stone or brick.

In this article, we will explore how Jewel Stone decorative concrete can boost your property value. We'll look at what makes it special, how it compares to other options, and why it might be the perfect choice for your home.

Let's dive in and see if Jewel Stone is the upgrade your property needs.

Why Do Property Owners Choose Jewel Stone Decorative Concrete?

Property owners are always looking for ways to enhance their homes and existing concrete surface areas. Jewel Stone has become a popular choice for many reasons. It offers a blend of beauty, durability, and practicality that is hard to beat. Let’s explore why so many people are choosing Jewel Stone for their properties.

It Doesn't Require A Lot Of Maintenance

One of the biggest benefits of Jewel Stone decorative concrete is its low maintenance. Unlike natural stone or wood, it doesn’t need constant attention. Minimal maintenance such as a simple sweep and occasional wash are usually enough to keep it looking great.

Resealing Is Required Every 3 to 5 Years

While Jewel Stone doesn’t need much upkeep, it does require resealing every 3 to 5 years. This helps protect the surface and keeps it looking fresh. Resealing is a straightforward process that can be done by professionals or as a DIY project.

Its Curb Appeal Is Attractive To Buyers

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to selling a home. Jewel Stone decorative concrete enhances curb appeal, making your property more attractive to potential buyers. The elegant designs and vibrant colours can make your home stand out with enhanced curb appeal.

Endless Customization Options

Jewel Stone offers endless customization options. You can choose from a variety of colours, patterns, and textures to create a look that’s uniquely yours. Whether you want a modern, sleek design or something more rustic, Jewel Stone can be tailored to fit your vision.

Is Jewel Stone Overlay Cost Effective vs. A New Installation?

When considering home upgrades, cost is always a major factor. Jewel Stone overlays offer a cost-effective alternative to completely new installations.

Since it uses the existing structure of traditional concrete, the costs are significantly lower than tearing out and replacing the entire area.

In contrast, a new installation means starting from scratch. This often involves removing the old concrete, preparing the ground, and then pouring new concrete. The costs for this process can add up quickly.

Jewel Stone overlays not only save money upfront, but they also add value to your home. They provide a fresh, updated look without the higher price tag of a full renovation.

How Much Can You Expect It To Increase The Value Of Your Property?

One of the key questions is how much Jewel Stone decorative concrete can increase your property value. While the exact increase can vary, there are some general benefits you can expect.

First, consider the improved curb appeal. Homes with high curb appeal often sell faster and at higher prices. According to Toronto real estate agent Marco Pedri, exterior improvements can return about 75% of their cost in increased home value.

Next, buyers appreciate features that are both attractive and practical. Jewel Stone’s low maintenance and long-lasting quality are big selling points and increase your property value.

While it’s hard to pin down an exact number, many homeowners see a noticeable boost in property value.

Jewel stone porch concrete overlay Mississauga

What Spaces Add The Most Value To Your Property?

Choosing the right spaces to upgrade with Jewel Stone decorative concrete can significantly impact your property's value. Certain areas are particularly effective at boosting both curb appeal and functionality. Here are the top spaces to consider.

Decorative Concrete Driveway

A driveway is often one of the first things people notice about a home. Jewel Stone decorative concrete driveways can transform this typically plain area into a stunning entrance. A beautiful decorative concrete driveway not only makes a strong first impression but also adds substantial value to your property.

Decorative Concrete Walkways

Walkways guide guests through your property and connect different outdoor spaces. Upgrading to Jewel Stone decorative concrete walkways can enhance the overall flow and aesthetics of your yard.

Decorative Concrete Pool Decks

If you have a pool, the surrounding deck is a key area to consider for upgrading. A Jewel Stone decorative concrete pool deck not only enhances the look of your pool area but also provides a safe, slip-resistant surface for family and friends. This upgrade can increase the value of your home, making your property stand out in the market.

So, Why Should You Choose Valhalla, The Home Of Jewel Stone Decorative Concrete?

Choosing the right enhancements for your property is essential for boosting value and enjoyment. Whether you’re upgrading your driveway, walkways, or pool deck for residential and commercial properties, Jewel Stone offers an elegant and practical solution that can transform your home.

Valhalla Contracting is your go-to decorative concrete contractor. With years of experience and a dedication to quality, Valhalla ensures your project is handled with care and professionalism.

If you’re considering Jewel Stone for your property, contact Valhalla Contracting today. Let us help you create stunning, lasting improvements that enhance both the beauty and value of your home.