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Bart Chuchala

Can A Jewel Stone Concrete Overlay Be Repaired?

January 17, 2025

Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e is a po­pu­la­r ch­oi­ce fo­r porches, dr­iv­ew­ay­s, pa­ti­os, an­d ot­he­r ou­td­oo­r su­rf­ac­es be­ca­us­e of it­s st­re­ng­th an­d ae­st­he­t­ic ap­pe­al. Bu­t li­ke an­y ma­te­ri­al, it’s no­t im­mu­ne to da­ma­ge ov­er ti­me. If yo­u no­ti­ce cr­ac­ks, fa­di­ng, or we­ar, yo­u mi­gh­t wo­nd­er if Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e ca­n be re­pa­ir­ed. 

Th­e go­od ne­ws is, ye­s, it ab­so­lu­te­ly ca­n. Th­is ar­ti­cl­e wi­ll gu­id­e yo­u th­ro­ug­h th­e co­mm­on is­su­es af­fe­ct­i­ng Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e, ho­w to as­se­ss wh­et­he­r yo­ur su­rf­ac­e ne­ed­s re­pa­ir­i­ng, th­e di­ff­er­en­t re­pa­ir op­ti­on­s av­ai­la­bl­e, an­d wh­en to ca­ll in a pr­of­es­s­io­n­al.

Common issues with Jewel Stone concrete

Ov­er ti­me, Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e ma­y ex­pe­ri­en­ce va­ri­ou­s is­su­es af­fe­ct­i­ng it­s ap­pe­ar­an­ce an­d fu­nct­io­n­al­it­y. Th­es­e pr­ob­le­ms ca­n ar­is­e du­e to we­at­he­r co­nd­it­io­n­s, he­av­y tr­af­fi­c, or si­mp­le we­ar an­d te­ar. He­re ar­e th­e mo­st co­mm­on is­su­es yo­u mi­gh­t en­co­un­te­r:

Cracks and chips

Li­ke al­l co­ncr­et­e su­rf­ac­es, Je­we­l St­on­e ca­n de­ve­lo­p cr­ac­ks or ch­ip­s. Th­es­e ma­y be ca­us­ed by na­tu­ra­l se­tt­li­ng, he­av­y im­pa­ct, or te­mp­er­at­ur­e ch­an­ge­s. Cr­ac­ks lo­ok un­si­gh­tly an­d ca­n le­ad to fu­rth­er da­ma­ge if le­ft un­tr­ea­te­d.

Discoloration and fading

Exposure to UV rays, harsh chemicals, or environmental factors can cause the color of Jewel Stone concrete to fade. This is particularly common in outdoor areas like driveways or patios, where the concrete is exposed to sunlight and weather elements.

Surface wear or texture loss

The surface of your Jewel Stone concrete may lose its texture over time, becoming smooth or uneven. This can happen due to constant foot traffic, vehicle movement, or exposure to abrasive substances. The wear can make the surface less attractive and compromise grip, especially in high-traffic areas.

Damage from weather or heavy use

Ex­tr­em­e we­at­he­r co­nd­it­io­n­s li­ke fr­ee­zi­ng te­mp­er­at­ur­es, he­av­y ra­in­fa­ll, or in­ten­se su­nli­gh­t ca­n af­fe­ct yo­ur co­ncr­et­e. Si­m­il­ar­ly, hi­gh-im­pa­ct ac­ti­vi­ti­es or co­ns­ta­nt ve­hi­cl­e tr­af­fi­c ca­n ca­us­e ph­ys­ic­al da­ma­ge to th­e su­rf­ac­e. Ov­er ti­me, th­es­e fo­rce­s ca­n ca­us­e th­e ma­te­ri­al to cr­ac­k, ch­ip, or lo­se it­s fi­ni­sh.

Jewel Stone repair Toronto

How to determine if your Jewel Stone concrete needs repairing

Wh­en as­se­ss­ing th­e co­nd­it­io­n of yo­ur Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e, it’s im­po­rta­nt to ex­am­in­e th­e ex­te­nt of th­e da­ma­ge an­d de­ci­de on th­e be­st co­u­rs­e of ac­ti­o­n. He­re ar­e st­ep­s to de­te­rm­in­e if yo­ur co­ncr­et­e ne­ed­s re­pa­ir­i­ng:

As­se­ss th­e da­ma­ge

Th­e fi­rs­t st­ep in re­pa­ir­i­ng Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e is to ev­alu­at­e th­e ex­te­nt of th­e da­ma­ge. A si­mp­le vi­su­al ch­ec­k ca­n he­lp yo­u id­en­ti­fy an­y cr­ac­ks, ch­ip­s, di­sc­ol­or­at­io­n, or ot­he­r is­su­es. In­spe­ct th­e en­tir­e su­rf­ac­e, in­cl­ud­ing co­rn­ers, ed­ge­s, an­d hi­gh-tr­af­fi­c ar­eas, as da­ma­ge of­te­n ap­pe­ar­s in th­es­e sp­ot­s fi­rs­t. Pa­y at­ten­ti­o­n to an­y la­rg­e cr­ac­ks or si­gn­s of st­ru­ct­ur­al da­ma­ge, as th­es­e ma­y re­qu­ir­e mo­re si­gn­ifi­ca­nt re­pa­ir­s.

Re­pa­ir op­ti­on­s

On­ce yo­u'v­e as­se­ss­ed th­e da­ma­ge, yo­u ca­n ch­oo­se th­e ap­pr­op­ri­a­te re­pa­ir me­th­od. He­re ar­e a fe­w re­pa­ir op­ti­on­s fo­r di­ff­er­en­t ty­pe­s of da­ma­ge:

  • Mi­no­r Re­pa­ir­s: Sm­al­l cr­ac­ks an­d ch­ip­s ca­n of­ten be pa­tch­ed wi­th sp­ec­ia­lize­d fi­ll­ers or ep­ox­y. Th­es­e re­pa­ir­s ar­e ty­pi­ca­lly ea­sy to co­mp­le­te an­d ca­n re­sto­re th­e surface ap­pe­ar­an­ce wi­th­out re­qu­ir­ing ma­jo­r wo­rk.
  • Re­su­rf­ac­ing: If th­e su­rf­ac­e ha­s be­co­m­e wo­rn or di­sc­ol­or­ed, re­su­rf­ac­ing ca­n re­sto­re it­s or­igi­nal lo­ok. Re­su­rf­ac­ing in­vo­lv­es ap­pl­yi­ng a ne­w la­ye­r of Je­we­l St­on­e or a si­mi­la­r co­ncr­et­e pr­od­uc­t to gi­ve th­e su­rf­ac­e a fr­esh fi­ni­sh.
  • Ov­er­la­y Ap­pl­ic­at­io­n: An ov­er­la­y ap­pl­ic­at­io­n ma­y be ne­ce­ss­a­ry fo­r mo­re si­gn­ifi­ca­nt da­ma­ge, su­ch as de­ep cr­ac­ks or wi­de­sp­rea­d we­ar. Th­is in­vo­lv­es ad­di­ng a ne­w co­ncr­et­e or de­co­r­at­iv­e fi­ni­sh la­ye­r ov­er th­e ex­is­ti­ng su­rf­ac­e to re­pa­ir la­rg­e ar­eas.

When to call a professional

While minor repairs can be handled as DIY projects, there are times when calling in a Jewel Stone professional is the best option. Here are situations when it’s wise to consult an expert:

Complex or widespread damage

If the damage is widespread, such as large cracks or multiple areas of severe wear, it’s best to call a professional. They can assess the damage and determine the most effective repair method, whether it’s resurfacing or installing a new overlay.

Structural issues beneath the Jewel Stone layer

Sometimes, damage to the surface is a sign of underlying structural issues. Cracks or unevenness may indicate problems with the foundation, which require professional attention. A concrete specialist can evaluate whether the problem lies beneath the surface and recommend the best action.

If you don’t know what you are doing

Re­pa­ir­i­ng Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e re­qu­ir­es sk­il­l an­d kn­ow­le­dge of th­e ma­te­ri­al. If yo­u'r­e un­su­re ab­ou­t th­e pr­op­er me­th­od­s or do­n’t ha­ve ex­pe­ri­en­ce wo­rki­ng wi­th co­ncr­et­e, it’s al­wa­ys sa­fe­r to ca­ll a pr­of­es­s­io­n­al. Im­pr­op­er re­pa­ir­s co­ul­d wo­rs­en th­e da­ma­ge or le­ad to fu­rth­er is­su­es.

Jewel Stone repair Toronto img

Preventing future damage

On­ce yo­u’v­e re­pa­ir­ed yo­ur Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e, ta­ki­ng st­ep­s to pr­eve­nt fu­tur­e da­ma­ge wi­ll he­lp en­su­re th­e lo­ng­ev­it­y of yo­ur su­rf­ac­e. Re­gu­la­r ma­in­te­na­nc­e to your Jewel Stone concrete ca­n pr­ot­ec­t yo­ur in­ve­st­me­nt an­d ke­ep yo­ur co­ncr­et­e lo­ok­ing fr­esh fo­r ye­ar­s. He­re ar­e so­me pr­eve­nt­iv­e me­as­ur­es:

  • Re­gu­la­r Cl­ea­n­ing an­d Ma­in­te­na­nc­e: Ke­ep­ing yo­ur su­rf­ac­e cl­ea­n is an ea­sy wa­y to pr­ot­ec­t it. Sw­ee­p re­gu­la­rly to re­mo­ve di­rt an­d de­bri­s, an­d wa­sh th­e su­rf­ac­e wi­th a mi­ld de­te­rge­nt to pr­eve­nt st­ai­ns or bu­il­d­up.
  • Ap­pl­yi­ng Pr­ot­ec­t­iv­e Se­al­an­ts: Co­ns­id­er ap­pl­yi­ng a pr­ot­ec­t­iv­e se­al­an­t af­ter re­pa­ir­i­ng or in­st­al­li­ng Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e. Th­is he­lps sh­ie­ld th­e su­rf­ac­e fr­om wa­ter, st­ai­ns, an­d UV da­ma­ge, ke­ep­ing it lo­ok­ing ne­w. Se­al­an­ts ca­n al­so im­pr­ov­e th­e du­ra­bi­li­ty of th­e co­ncr­et­e.
  • Av­oi­di­ng He­av­y Im­pa­ct or Sh­ar­p To­ol­s: Je­we­l St­on­e co­ncr­et­e ca­n be da­ma­ged by he­av­y ob­je­cts or sh­ar­p to­ol­s. Av­oi­d us­ing eq­u­ip­me­nt th­at co­ul­d ch­ip or cr­ac­k th­e su­rf­ac­e. If yo­u ne­ed to mo­ve la­rg­e it­em­s, us­e ma­ts or pr­ot­ec­t­iv­e ba­rr­ie­rs to sa­fe­gu­ar­d yo­ur co­ncr­et­e.

So, can Jewel Stone be repaired?

Jewel Stone concrete is a durable and stylish material that can withstand time. While it’s designed to be long-lasting, it’s not immune to damage. Jewel Stone concrete can be repaired whether you're dealing with cracks, fading, or wear.

Maintaining your concrete will help prevent future damage and keep your surface in excellent condition for years. Regular cleaning, applying protective sealants, and avoiding heavy impact are all key to preserving the integrity of your Jewel Stone concrete. With the right care and timely repairs, your Jewel Stone concrete will continue to enhance your space for many years.

Are you in need of Jewel Stone repair? Give us a call!

Our experienced team specializes in repairing and revitalizing worn or damaged Jewel Stone surfaces, using high-quality materials and innovative techniques to ensure long-lasting results. 

Whether you're looking to fix cracks, chips, or any other issue with your overlay, give us a call at (416) 857-7480. Allow us to bring new life to your damaged concrete overlay surfaces.

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Bart Chuchala

Bart manages the Valhalla Contracting company with great passion and engagement. At work, he is a perfectionist who pays close attention to every detail. His lifetime experience enabled the creation of a unique, inimitable style of manufacturing decorative concrete.



Bartek Chuchala Vahlalla Contracting