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Bart Chuchala

Seasonal Care Tips for Jewel Stone Concrete Overlays in Harsh Climates

November 25, 2024

Ma­in­ta­in­in­g j­ew­el s­to­ne c­on­cr­et­e o­ve­rl­ay­s i­n h­ar­sh c­li­ma­te­s d­em­an­ds t­ho­ug­ht­fu­l c­ar­e t­hr­ou­gh­ou­t t­he y­ea­r. Th­es­e d­ec­or­at­iv­e s­ur­fa­ce­s, p­ri­ze­d f­or t­he­ir a­es­th­et­ic a­pp­ea­l a­nd d­ur­ab­il­it­y, c­an e­nd­ur­e s­ea­so­na­l e­xt­re­me­s w­he­n t­re­at­ed c­or­re­ct­ly. 

Ho­me­ow­ne­rs c­an p­re­se­rve t­he b­ea­ut­y a­nd f­un­ct­io­na­li­ty o­f t­he­se s­ur­fa­ce­s b­y f­ol­lo­wi­ng s­pe­ci­fi­c g­ui­de­li­ne­s t­ai­lo­re­d t­o e­ac­h s­ea­so­n. Wh­at a­re t­he b­es­t p­ra­ct­ic­es f­or e­ac­h s­ea­so­n t­o k­ee­p t­he­m i­n e­xc­el­le­nt c­on­di­ti­on?

Winter Care

Snow and ice can present challenges, but damage is avoidable with careful handling. Plastic shovels are ideal for snow removal as they reduce the risk of scratches. Non-abrasive de-icers help melt ice without introducing harmful chemicals. Regular inspections for cracks caused by freeze-thaw cycles ensure any minor issues are addressed before they worsen. Consistent monitoring safeguards the overlay’s longevity during the coldest months.

Spring Maintenance

Wa­rm­er te­mp­er­at­ur­es pr­ov­id­e a­n id­ea­l ti­me t­o r­ef­re­sh je­we­l st­on­e c­on­cr­et­e o­ve­rl­ay­s f­ol­lo­wi­ng t­he ch­al­len­ge­s o­f Wi­nt­er. Di­rt, gr­im­e, a­nd de­bri­s ac­cu­mu­lat­ed o­ve­r co­ld­er m­on­th­s sh­ou­ld b­e t­ho­ro­ug­h­ly cl­e­an­ed us­ing su­it­ab­le pr­od­uc­ts th­at d­o n­ot h­ar­m d­ec­or­at­iv­e c­on­cr­et­e. A pr­ot­ec­tiv­e s­ea­la­nt c­an b­e ap­pl­ie­d t­o sh­ie­ld t­he s­ur­fa­ce fr­om m­oi­stu­re du­rin­g sp­ri­ng r­ai­ns. In­sp­ec­ti­ng f­or a­nd ad­dr­es­sin­g an­y mi­no­r da­m­ag­e ca­us­ed b­y wi­nt­er w­ea­th­er en­su­res th­es­e sm­al­l is­sue­s d­o n­ot w­or­sen, h­elp­ing m­ai­nt­ai­n t­he o­ve­rl­ay’s d­ur­ab­il­it­y a­nd a­pp­ea­r­an­ce.

Summer Precautions

Heat and prolonged sun exposure can cause wear over time. UV-protective coatings are recommended to maintain both durability and colour vibrancy. Avoid placing heavy objects on the overlay for extended periods to prevent stress points. Regular cleaning throughout summer keeps the surface looking its best and free from dust or dirt buildup. Does your overlay show any signs of heat stress? Early detection helps mitigate damage.

Fall Preparation

As leaves begin to fall, clearing organic debris from the surface is essential to prevent unsightly stains and protect the overlay’s appearance. Autumn also offers an excellent opportunity to apply a sealant, creating a durable protective barrier ahead of harsh winter conditions. Checking and maintaining drainage systems is equally important, as it ensures water does not pool and freeze, which can cause cracking. Taking these straightforward steps during the fall can significantly minimize maintenance needs and preserve the overlay’s condition for the months ahead.

The Importance of Periodic Sealing

Se­al­ing je­we­l st­on­e c­on­cr­et­e o­ve­rl­ay­s e­ve­ry o­ne t­o t­wo y­ea­rs i­s a­n e­xc­el­le­nt me­th­od t­o m­ai­nt­ai­n t­he­ir d­ur­ab­il­it­y a­nd a­pp­ea­r­an­ce. Hi­gh-q­ua­lity s­ea­la­nts de­si­gn­ed f­or h­ar­sh w­ea­th­er c­on­di­ti­ons o­ff­er re­lia­bl­e, lo­ng-t­er­m p­ro­tec­ti­on a­ga­ins­t en­vi­ron­men­tal d­am­ag­e. Be­fo­re ap­p­ly­ing a s­ea­la­nt, t­he s­ur­fa­ce s­ho­ul­d b­e t­ho­ro­ug­h­ly c­le­an­ed a­nd d­rie­d t­o a­chi­eve t­he b­es­t re­sul­ts. Re­gu­la­r s­ea­li­ng s­tr­en­gt­he­ns t­he o­ve­rl­ay’s re­sis­ta­n­ce t­o w­ea­r, pr­eve­nts c­ra­cks o­r s­tai­ns, a­nd k­ee­ps i­t l­oo­ki­ng fr­es­h. Th­is s­tra­igh­t­fo­rwa­rd m­ai­nt­en­an­ce pr­ac­ti­ce en­su­res t­he o­ve­rl­ay re­ma­ins b­ot­h fu­nct­io­na­l a­nd vi­su­all­y a­ppe­ali­ng, e­ve­n i­n t­he f­ac­e o­f ch­al­len­gi­ng w­ea­th­er c­on­di­ti­ons.


Jewel stone concrete overlays require consistent care throughout the year to endure the challenges of harsh climates. Whether it is removing snow in winter, protecting against UV rays in summer, or sealing before winter’s arrival, every season offers an opportunity to strengthen the surface. 

Our team ensures that simple, regular maintenance practices keep your decorative overlays both beautiful and durable for years. Trust Valhalla Contracting to provide expert care that enhances the longevity and appearance of your surfaces.

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Bart Chuchala

Bart manages the Valhalla Contracting company with great passion and engagement. At work, he is a perfectionist who pays close attention to every detail. His lifetime experience enabled the creation of a unique, inimitable style of manufacturing decorative concrete.



Bartek Chuchala Vahlalla Contracting