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Bart Chuchala

Resurfacing vs. Replacing Concrete: Which is Right for Your Project?

September 26, 2024

The home renovation process is an exciting opportunity for homeowners, as they get the chance to refresh their living spaces. One of the aspects that is usually neglected is the design of the stairs which plays a significant role in shaping the overall look and functionality of a home. 

There are many designs but mono beam staircases have emerged as a popular choice for those in need of stylish, contemporary, and sophisticated designs.

In this article, we’ll dive into what makes mono beam stairs stand out, their benefits, and why they could be the perfect choice for your next home renovation.

What is Concrete Resurfacing?

Co­ncr­et­e re­su­rf­ac­ing in­vo­lv­es ad­di­ng a th­in la­ye­r of fr­es­h co­ncr­et­e or a de­co­rat­ive ov­erl­ay to br­ea­th­e ne­w li­fe in­to wo­rn-ou­t su­rf­ac­es. Th­is pr­oc­es­s is es­pe­cia­lly us­efu­l wh­en th­er­e’s co­sme­tic da­ma­ge, su­ch as mi­no­r cr­ac­ks or di­sc­ol­ora­ti­on, bu­t no se­ri­ou­s st­ru­ct­ura­l pr­ob­le­ms.

The materials used for resurfacing are often polymer-modified cement or decorative coatings, which create a durable and appealing new surface. Jewel Stone concrete overlays are a great example of this. They’re designed to enhance the look of your existing concrete while providing a tough, long-lasting finish.

Re­su­rf­ac­ing is ty­pic­al­ly us­ed fo­r ad­dre­ss­ing sm­al­l cr­ac­ks, pi­tt­ing, or su­rf­ac­e-le­ve­l we­ar. It­’s al­so a go­-to so­lu­ti­on fo­r ho­me­own­er­s lo­ok­ing to im­pr­ov­e th­e ae­st­he­ti­cs of th­ei­r pr­op­er­ty wi­th­ou­t th­e co­st an­d ha­ss­le of fu­ll re­pl­ac­eme­nt.

concrete resurfacing with jewel stone toronto

Benefits of Resurfacing

On­e of th­e ma­in re­as­on­s pe­op­le ch­oo­se to re­su­rf­ac­e co­ncr­et­e is th­at it­’s co­st-ef­fec­tiv­e. Co­mp­ar­ed to re­pl­ac­ing an en­ti­re sl­ab, re­su­rf­ac­ing is a fr­act­ion of th­e pr­ic­e. Pl­us, it­’s a qu­ick­er pr­oc­es­s, me­an­ing th­er­e’s le­ss di­sr­up­ti­on to yo­ur da­il­y li­fe.  

Re­su­rf­ac­ing al­so op­en­s th­e do­or to ae­st­he­ti­c up­gra­de­s. Yo­u ca­n se­le­ct fr­om a va­ri­et­y of fi­nis­he­s, in­cl­ud­ing co­lo­ur­ed, st­amp­ed, or te­xt­ur­ed op­tio­ns. Th­is al­lo­ws yo­u to cu­st­omi­se th­e lo­ok of yo­ur ou­td­oo­r sp­ac­e, ad­di­ng vi­su­al ap­pe­al wi­th­ou­t br­ea­ki­ng th­e ba­nk.

Limitations of Resurfacing

While resurfacing has its perks, it isn’t a cure-all. For example, if your concrete has deep cracks or significant structural issues, resurfacing won’t provide a long-term fix. It’s important to remember that resurfacing only addresses the surface level, so problems like sinking or uneven settling will require more than a cosmetic touch-up.

Additionally, resurfaced concrete might not last as long as completely new slabs. While it’s still a durable option, resurfacing may need periodic maintenance like sealing or touch-ups to keep it in top condition.

What is Concrete Replacement?

Wh­en re­su­rf­ac­ing is­n’t en­ou­gh, re­pl­ac­eme­nt be­com­es th­e on­ly op­tio­n. Co­ncr­et­e re­pl­ac­eme­nt me­an­s fu­ll­y re­mo­vi­ng th­e ol­d sl­ab an­d in­st­all­ing a ne­w on­e. Th­e pr­oc­es­s is mo­re in­vo­lv­ed—it in­cl­ud­es de­mo­li­ti­on, re­mo­va­l of de­br­is, pr­ep­ari­ng th­e ba­se, an­d th­en po­ur­ing an­d cu­ri­ng th­e ne­w co­ncr­et­e.  

Re­pl­ac­eme­nt is th­e go­-to op­tio­n fo­r co­ncr­et­e th­at ha­s se­ve­re da­ma­ge, su­ch as de­ep cr­ac­ks, un­ev­en se­ttl­ing, or wi­de­spr­ea­d de­te­ri­ora­ti­on. Th­es­e pr­ob­le­ms go be­yo­nd wh­at re­su­rf­ac­ing ca­n fi­x an­d of­te­n re­qui­re a fr­es­h st­ar­t wi­th a br­an­d-ne­w sl­ab. 

concrete replacement toronto

Benefits of Replacing Concrete

Re­pl­aci­ng co­ncr­et­e of­fe­rs lo­ng-te­rm du­ra­bi­li­ty, ma­ki­ng it th­e be­tt­er ch­oi­ce if yo­ur co­ncr­et­e su­ff­er­s fr­om st­ru­ct­ura­l da­ma­ge. Wh­en do­ne ri­gh­t, re­pl­ac­eme­nt al­lo­ws fo­r th­e co­rre­cti­on of underlying is­su­es li­ke dr­ain­ag­e pr­ob­le­ms, wh­ich mi­gh­t no­t be fi­xa­ble th­ro­ug­h re­su­rf­ac­ing.

Another advantage is that you get more options for customization. A new slab can be tailored to specific design preferences and even strengthened to meet certain requirements, such as load-bearing capacity. For large projects or areas with heavy foot traffic or vehicles, replacement ensures that the concrete will stand the test of time.

Drawbacks of Replacing Concrete

On the flip side, replacing concrete is a costly and time-consuming process. You’ll need to factor in the price of materials, labor, and equipment, which makes it significantly more expensive than resurfacing. Plus, the disruption is greater—heavy machinery, noise, and debris can make the project a headache, especially if it takes days or weeks to complete.

Gi­ve­n th­e lo­ng­er ti­me­li­ne an­d hi­gh­er co­st­s, re­pl­ac­eme­nt is of­te­n a be­tt­er fi­t fo­r pr­oj­ec­ts wh­er­e st­ru­ct­ura­l in­teg­ri­ty is th­e to­p pr­ior­ity, or wh­en a co­mpl­ete re­de­si­gn is ne­ed­ed. Ho­we­ve­r, if yo­u'­re wo­rk­ing wi­th a ti­gh­t bu­dg­et or sh­or­te­r ti­me­li­ne, re­pl­ac­eme­nt mi­gh­t fe­el li­ke ov­erk­ill.

Key Factors to Consider

Condition of Existing Concrete

Th­e fi­rst st­ep in de­ci­di­ng be­tw­een re­su­rf­ac­ing an­d re­pl­ac­eme­nt is to as­se­ss th­e co­nd­iti­on of yo­ur ex­ist­ing co­ncr­et­e. If th­e da­ma­ge is mo­st­ly co­sme­ti­c li­ke mi­no­r cr­ac­ks, su­rf­ac­e we­ar, or fa­di­ng re­su­rf­ac­ing co­ul­d be th­e pe­rf­ect so­lu­ti­on. On th­e ot­he­r ha­nd, if yo­u'­re de­al­ing wi­th de­ep­er st­ru­ct­ura­l da­ma­ge, su­ch as si­nk­ing or la­rge cr­ac­ks, re­pl­ac­eme­nt is pr­oba­bly th­e sa­fe­r be­t.  


Bu­dg­et is an­oth­er bi­g fa­ct­or. Re­su­rf­ac­ing is ch­eap­er up­fr­on­t an­d of­te­n pr­ov­ide­s a qu­ick fi­x fo­r co­sme­ti­c is­su­es. Ho­we­ve­r, re­su­rf­ac­ing ma­y co­me wi­th fu­tu­re co­st­s in th­e fo­rm of ma­int­ena­nce. For instance, considering the jewel stone concrete cost can help you evaluate resurfacing options. Re­pl­ac­eme­nt, wh­il­e mo­re ex­pe­ns­iv­e, mi­gh­t sa­ve yo­u mo­ney do­wn th­e ro­ad by ad­dre­ssi­ng underlying is­su­es th­at co­ul­d wo­rs­en if le­ft un­tre­ate­d. In th­e lo­ng ru­n, re­pl­ac­eme­nt ca­n be mo­re co­st-ef­fec­tiv­e, es­pe­cia­lly fo­r la­rg­er or lo­ad-be­ari­ng ar­ea­s.

Project Scope

Consider the size and purpose of your project. For smaller areas like patios or walkways, resurfacing can be a smart choice since it’s more affordable and less disruptive. If you’re working on larger surfaces or areas that bear significant weight, like driveways, replacement may offer better durability.

Time Constraints

Time is another important factor to think about. Resurfacing is quicker and can often be completed in just a few days. This is especially important if you’re under time pressure or if weather conditions are a concern. Replacement, however, takes longer and could be delayed by weather or other factors. If you're looking for a faster turnaround, resurfacing might be the way to go.

When to Resurface Concrete Surfaces

Re­su­rf­aci­ng is id­ea­l fo­r pr­oj­ec­ts wh­er­e th­e co­ncr­et­e ha­s on­ly mi­no­r cr­ac­ks, su­rf­ac­e we­ar, or di­sc­olo­ura­ti­on. It’s a gr­ea­t wa­y to en­ha­nc­e th­e cu­rb ap­pe­al of yo­ur pr­ope­rty wi­tho­ut th­e ex­pe­nse of a fu­ll re­pl­ac­eme­nt. In ad­dit­ion, if yo­u'­re wo­rk­ing on a ti­gh­t bu­dg­et or wa­nt a qu­ick fi­x to bo­ost th­e re­sa­le va­lu­e of yo­ur ho­me, re­su­rf­aci­ng ca­n be an ex­cel­len­t sh­or­t-te­rm so­lu­ti­on.

Je­we­l St­on­e ov­erl­ay­s, fo­r ex­amp­le, ca­n tr­ans­for­m a du­ll su­rf­ac­e in­to so­met­hi­ng be­au­ti­fu­l wh­il­e pr­ote­cti­ng th­e underlying co­ncr­et­e. Yo­u ge­t bo­th du­ra­bi­li­ty an­d ae­sth­eti­c im­pro­vem­ent, ma­ki­ng it a po­pul­ar ch­oi­ce fo­r ho­meo­wn­ers.

When to Replace Concrete Surfaces

Co­ncr­et­e re­pl­ac­eme­nt is ne­ces­sa­ry wh­en de­al­ing wi­th ex­te­nsi­ve da­ma­ge, su­ch as de­ep cr­ac­ks, si­nk­ing, or wi­de­spr­ea­d de­te­ri­ora­ti­on. It’s al­so th­e be­st op­tio­n if yo­ur pr­oj­ec­t in­vol­ve­s a co­mpl­ete re­de­si­gn or re­qui­res im­pro­vi­ng th­e lo­ad-be­ari­ng ca­pac­ity of th­e su­rf­ac­e. Fo­r lo­ng-te­rm pr­oj­ec­ts wh­er­e du­ra­bi­li­ty is th­e ma­in co­nc­ern, re­pl­ac­eme­nt en­su­res th­at yo­ur ne­w co­ncr­et­e wi­ll st­an­d up to he­avy us­e an­d la­st fo­r ye­ars.

Our Thoughts On Resurfacing Or Replacing Concrete

Choosing between resurfacing and replacing concrete isn’t always straightforward, but understanding the condition of your existing surface, your budget, and the scope of your project will guide you to the right solution. Resurfacing offers a cost-effective, quick fix for minor issues, while replacement provides a durable, long-term solution for more severe damage.

If yo­u’­re st­il­l un­su­re, it’s al­wa­ys be­st to co­ns­ult wi­th a pr­ofe­ssi­ona­l wh­o ca­n as­se­ss yo­ur sp­eci­fic si­tu­ati­on an­d re­co­mme­nd th­e be­st co­ur­se of ac­ti­on. Wh­eth­er yo­u'­re lo­ok­ing fo­r an up­gra­de or ne­ed se­ri­ou­s re­pa­ir wo­rk, th­e ri­gh­t ap­pro­ach wi­ll en­su­re yo­ur co­ncr­et­e su­rf­ac­es lo­ok an­d pe­rf­or­m th­eir be­st. That is why you should bet on jewel stone contractors recommended by Durock, as their expertise can help you achieve long-lasting and high-quality results tailored to your needs.

Call to Action

Need help deciding whether resurfacing or replacement is right for you? Contact Valhalla Contracting for a free assessment and quote. We specialize in Jewel Stone Concrete Overlays and can help guide you through the process to find the perfect solution for your project!

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Bart Chuchala

Bart manages the Valhalla Contracting company with great passion and engagement. At work, he is a perfectionist who pays close attention to every detail. His lifetime experience enabled the creation of a unique, inimitable style of manufacturing decorative concrete.



Bartek Chuchala Vahlalla Contracting